Chapter 2, Morty's Little Secret

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3rd Person POV

It's been a full hour since Rick and Morty left the house, the two are still in the car just staring at the cosmos.

Rick decided to bring Morty home, Beth would be worried if they were gone too long. Even though there was one time they'd been gone for days and Beth didn't seem to worry.

Morty was staring at Rick driving, Rick still looked so very relaxed. Morty still found it very unusual but enjoyed it nonetheless.

It only took a few minutes to get home. Rick and Morty went into the living room, where Summer would usually be while using her phone.

"So, did you two have fun?" Summer asked, still looking at her phone.

"Yeah, it w-was alright.."

"Let's w-w-watch Interdimensional Cable, Mooorty." Rick grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

"Oh man..C-Can we watch Ball Fondlers, Rick?"

"Yeah, I w-was already loo..burp..king for Ball Fondlers."

Rick kept changing the channel until they eventually found Ball Fondlers.

Morty's POV

Oh man..I kind off see Rick differently now. It's as if someone took over his body, but I don't think anyone can do that. Rick is the smartest man in the universe..

Why do I feel so weird..Everytime I'm around Rick, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I feel all fluttery and embarrassed. And right now, I'm next to him..

I don't wanna assume things but..Do I maybe have feelings for Rick? Romantic feelings.. ROMANTIC FEELINGS?! What am I saying?! That's absurd..It's crazy..Oh god..I'm in denial.

"Morty, are..You okay? You look like you watched someone die." Summer was staring at me..I was murmuring and gripping my hair without noticing.

"And why do you feel butterflies and..Fluttery?" Holy shit, holy shit..Why did I say that..God damn it. I wanna die.

"M-orty, y-you're mumbling shit again."

Great, Rick noticed..What do I say?!

"Um..I w-w-was just t-t-thinking about a movie. Yeah, n-nothing else.." Oh man..I stutter a lot when I'm nervous!

"Mmhm, yeah, oookay." Aw geez, Rick didn't buy it..But at least he stopped questioning me.

Rick's POV

Morty's acting very suspiciously. He's stuttering a hell lot, he's gripping his hair and mumbling god knows what. Is he hiding something?

Of course he is, he's fucking Morty! Even if I ask him what's going on, he'll just lie to my face. It's obvious when he lies, just like Jerry..Like father, like son.
Maybe I could use force to make him tell me. Or not, shit. Terrible idea.

God damn it Morty, he's gripping his hair again. Can't I just enjoy watching some Ball Fondlers without shit like this happening once in a while? It's fucking distracting.

"Morty, t-te-tell me what the fuck is going on. Is it Jessica? Or did you m-mess something up?"

"Uh..Uhh..It's nothing, R-Rick." God damn it, lied to my fucking face again. Maybe I could incept him to tell me in his dreams..

Okay, that sounds like a plan. Once he falls asleep, I'll go into his room, go into his dreams, and incept the idea of telling me. I'll need a disguise. Should be easy.

Chapter 2 is done! Hope you enjoyed my writing so far.

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