Chapter 4, My Plan Worked, But..

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Rick sat on his bed and took sips from his flask, pretending to act natural before Morty came inside his room.

"R-Rick?" Morty opened the door slowly, peeking from the crack.

"What, Muh-Mo..Morty?"

"I..I have to t-tell you something, it's important."

Rick was relieved, he would finally know what Morty was hiding from him. 

"Oh..Sure, s-sit down." Rick gestured his hand on his bed next to him, asking Morty to sit next to him.

Rick was very eagered to know this secret of his.

"N-Now tell me, M-Mo-Morty. I'm allll ears."

"W-Well, Rick..I um.."


"Rick..I think I l-like you."

Rick's POV

What? He likes me? Am I hearing this right or?

"You like me? What?"

"Rick, I mean..Romantically."

Holy shit. What? He likes me..Romantically? Okay, I honestly don't know how to respond. I, myself, romantically like him a little. The only thing is..Morty doesn't know.

Should I tell him, since..He told me? It'd only be fair, even though I'm technically not a fair person.

"Rick..Do you hate me now?"


Is he lying? In his dreams, he was dreaming of Jessica. He was swarmed with Jessicas and there were statues of her as well. Could that have been a facade?


"H-Huh? Oh, M-Morty."

"Answer me, Rick..Do you hate me now?" Fuck it, I'm going to tell him as well.

I grabbed Morty by the shoulders, and looked into his eyes.

"R-Rick? You're acting weird.."


"Huh? W-What, Rick?"

"Muh-Morty, I like you too, a little." Did I really just say that? Holy shit, I need to slap myself.

"W-What? You..Like me too?"

"Mo-Muh..Morty, I hate to a-a-admit it, but yes, I do."

3rd Person POV

Morty stared at Rick, feeling a wave of emotions hit him. He didn't know what to say, but he was definitely happy..


"What, M-Morty?"

Morty stared at Rick for a moment. He then put his hands on Rick's face, and then pressed his lips onto Rick's. It was sensational for the both of them.

Another short chapter, but I love it!
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Chapter 5 will be out soon.

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