Chapter 3, Incepting

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Rick's POV

It was 11pm, everyone but me was asleep. I decided to disguise myself as..Jessica. I bet Morty would tell Jessica  anything.

I carefully put the inceptor into Morty's ear, making sure he doesn't wake up. I sat in the corner of the room, getting comfy, and then incepted myself into Morty's dreams.


Oh god. Of course, Morty is dreaming about Jessica. It's a whole fucking dream about Jessica, what did I think it was gonna be?

Now I just need to find Morty..I assume he's swarmed with Jessicas right now. Oh man, I hope I don't have to see a 17 year old girl naked..

Oh shit, I see Morty. He's surrounded with Jessicas! Time for my disguise. I put on my well-made Jessica disguise and walked towards Morty.

"Hey M- cough..Hey Morty." I almost forgot to imitate her voice..

"Oh, another Jessica..Come here and talk to me." God damn, it felt weird.

"Oh yeah, girl..What's a girl like you wandering around on your own?"

"I was looking for you, Morty." Damn, it's kind off fun to imitate her voice. I might prank Morty someday.

"Mm..Jessica, you're so beautiful."

"Uh-huh, can I ask you a question, Morty?"

"Oh Jessica, ask me anything.." Disgusting.

"Can you tell me why you're so nervous?"

"Nervous? What ever do you mean, Jessica?" I actually can't tell if he's trying to lie or has no idea at all because he's so wrapped up with Jessica. Damn..

"I uh..I sensed that you were nervous this morning?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Jessica."

Oh shit..I've just realized, this isn't incepting. This was asking politely. God damn, I'm a piece of shit.

Time to improvise.

I disappeared while Morty wasn't looking, and hid behind a huge statue of Jessica.

"Huh? Where did..Where did one of the Jessica's go? Jessica?"

I took out one my laser guns, making Morty await a huge surprise. He's been looking for "Jessica" for 5 minutes now, I was about to surprise Morty.

"Jessica!" Damn, he sounded desperate to find "Jessica".

"YOU WILL TELL RICK WHATEVER YOU WERE HIDING FROM HIM THIS MORNING!" I jumped from behind the statue and shot Morty in the head a few times.

As soon as I got out from Morty's dream, I took the inceptor out of his ear and ran outside of Morty's room and into my own.

3rd Person POV

"H-HOLY SHIT!" Morty didn't have time to react in his dream. He was shocked..He was shocked that "Jessica" had killed him in his dream. But why? He was confused.

"N-Now I'm gonna tell Rick why I was so nervous this morning..I don't know why, I just feel like it..O-Oh geez."

Chapter 3 seems a little lazy, I'm sorry about that. Stay tuned for Chapter 4!

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