[Chapter 2] Introduce Yourself!

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Both watched as the cops left. The werewolf became less tense and let out a relieved sigh while softening her grip from the man's coat. They both stood still for a minute before the pup decided to look who the her savior was. She took a few steps back when the tall ursid turned around. She looked up at him for a bit. She wanted to thank him for what he did but the only noise coming out of her was random, she felt so small compared to him. As if he understood her mumbling, he patted her on the head,"No problem lass." He started to turn away to board his rather small ship but the wolf grabbed on to his coat,"What's your name?" She couldn't find what to say so she decided this was the best option. He looked at her and smiled,"Ta name's Silver lass." "Silver..?...John Silver?....as in...the John SILVER? The Pirate?" She realized who she was thanking and she started to mumble again with a dopey smile. Silver looked down at her, concerned by the expression on her face as if she was drugged or something. "Ye be alright lass?" "JOHN SILVER?! THE PIRA-" He covered her blabbing mouth and looked around to see if anyone saw and pulled her closer to him. "How ye know t'at?" He asked with his eyebrows lowered towards his nose. Her tail wagged as fast as it could go as she thought for a while how this was her chance to fulfill her childhood dream. She smiled, then shook her head into 'serious mode',"Take me with you." She said copying his expression. "What? No, I can't lass ye-" "I didn't ask, sir, I demanded." She snapped back at him. Taken back by her sudden aggressiveness, Silver perked up his one ear then pinned it back and he got eye level with her,"look lass, ain't t'ere a home t'at miss ya? Let's get ye back to et' I have a little time be'fer I go-" "No. There isn't a home for me. Now take me with you." He shook his head,"why can't ye jus' stay 'ere? Yer home is 'ere an' it ain't best ta run away with a stranger. Plus bein on a ship is full er' risks! Agh, I 'aven't 'ven known ye for five minutes!" She stiffened up and her eyes slowly filled with tears as the thought of loosing this chance flooded her brain,"You're not a stranger to me, John Silver, I know about you and what you do. I know the risks and I don't want to rot away in this place! You lied and told those cops I was apart of your crew, imagine what would happen if they find out we both lied and they look more into your background! Id be put in jail and you might be killed!" She stopped herself and bit onto her bottom lip when her voice started to shake. "No lass- don't cry, i-" Silver panicked and held onto her shoulders, he didn't want her crying to cause a scene. He thought hard about what she had said,"ta lass has good reasoning....ugh...i cant believe I'm doing this." Silver stood up, took in a deep breath and sighed,"fine." She looked up and wiped her tears away from her swollen red eyes,"w-what?" She wanted to confirm what she had heard was right. He took another breath and sighed,"ye can come 'long but ye can't leave er' not be helpful...im gonna have ta teach ye about sailin' and I don't wanna hear no wailin' bout t'et." He said the last few words with a stern voice. She smiled and jumped to hugged him. He grabbed her shirt and put her back down,"I ain't be havin' none of t'at." She nodded,"So, where's your ship?" He turned around and gestured toward a ragged looking ship,"tis be me ship, te Hawkins." He smiled at the thought of his Jim Hawkins. She made a disgusted face as she looked up at the ship. There were barnacles all on the bottom, some of the wood was rotten and molded and the sails were stained pearl white. He made his way to the dock and boarded the ship while the werewolf followed him with a wagging tail.

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