author's note

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heyyy everyone! long time no see, haha. like, what, 3 years or something? sheesh...

anyway! i hope you're all doing well--especially those of you who left nice comments on my story, you know who you are, thank you so much.

as im sure you've noticed, ive stopped really caring about bnha. there were some other things that ultimately led to me abandoning this story (and my account entirely, really) but my overall disinterest in the series is where the crux of the issue lies. im sorry if anyone read this story a few years too late, which it seems like a lot of you did (so many people mentioned hawks!! like, guys, he didnt even exist i started this story haha), but i hope to be able to put a band-aid on your hurt, if that makes sense

essentially, i intend to write a lot of words of fluff based on your requests, if you have any. and, i anyone is interested, i have some scraps of writing in my drafts that i could release as well, and also a vague outline of where this story was heading

comment what you'd like to see! if no one comments, i'll know that i should just drop this and not look back, but if you like my writing at all and want to see something specific (though i certainly hold the right to turn down anything i feel uncomfortable with) then let me know! if nothing else, it'll be fun practice, and maybe it'll spur my creativity enough to where i pick up writing a new story. who knows? i certainly don't

hmmm yeah i think that's all i had to stay. once again, thank you so much to all the people who had nice things to say about my writing and characterization, as well as all of you that were funny and had a quip or dozen to add here and there. a story is nothing without an audience to interpret it, after all. hopefully ill have more for you to interpret soon :]

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