~chapter 3~

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When Aizawa blows his whistle again, kids go off.

Some guy's hands start crackling with explosions, ice manifests around another, everyone dissolves into blurs of motion, taking hits and giving them back just as hard. It's chaos, but it's synchronized chaos, harsh yet relenting. Crashing like waves, and flowing like them, too.

It's breathtaking.

No one really says anything to anyone else about it either, and that's really what tells you these kids are experienced. Unspoken communication. They navigate around each other smoothly with just a look or tilt of a head in acknowledgement. It's the kind of thing you see in pros.

You want that. Badly.

Green-hair comes up to you, smiling, like a godsend. You're grateful he managed to find you among the writhing mass of people pounding the crap out of each other (in good fun), because otherwise you wouldn't know where to start.

"Hi! Um, I'm Midoriya Izuku," he introduces himself, only a little awkwardly,  and behind him you see two people making their way over. A girl and a guy. Probably friends of his. You hope they mean well. 

"Uh, yeah I'm, um, [l/n] [y/n]." Saying your last name first was going to be weird. "But you already knew that."

"Aha, yeah." Is all he manages to say before his buddies get to you. They're smiley and welcoming enough, but they seem protective. Like something bad has happened to Midoriya before, and they've been on the lookout for anything that might threaten him since. It's kinda endearing, in a way.

"I'm Iida Tenya, one of the class representatives, and she's Uraraka Ochako. Nice to meet you!" He seems like a genial guy, if you get past the shouting and choppy hand movements. Uraraka just smiles, sweet as pie.

You get the feeling they wouldn't hesitate to do something if you so much as sent a glare Midoriya's way. That's a good quality, in friends. 

You're sorely glad you'll never have to fight either of them.

"So what's your quirk, [l/n]?" Midoriya asks, and you can't hold back a little self-satisfied smile before you unfurl your wings to their full length of 15 feet. It's a little overdramatic, but you feel like you get away with it.

Some of the chaos get quieter around you, but you ignore any lingering stares in favor of watching the way Midoriya's eyes light up. Iida and Uraraka gape too, but Midoriya looks like someone's just handed him a present. 

"Woah," he whispers, almost reverent, before questioning you on every aspect of your quirk. 

Can you fly? Are your bones hollow like a bird's? How long can you fly? With wings that big, how is it physically possible for them to fold up against you like that? Why are they blue?

Your answers consisted of a lot of "maybe"'s and "I don't know"'s, but that didn't seem to phase Midoriya much. If anything, it seemed to encourage him.

"Well, can we find out?" 

And how could you say no to that face?


By the end of gym, you know way more about your quirk than you thought you ever would.

Your bones are definitely hollow(not like there was any doubt about that before), as evidenced by Midoriya scooping you up in his arms like a little baby, declaring "They're so light!", and then handing you off to Iida and Uraraka so they could do the same. Your wings can beat at a rate of fast, you can run fast, but fly even faster, and carry one light person without too much trouble. 

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