~chapter 9~

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Apparently, before you went and messed up their, well, everything, Midoriya and Todoroki were having a serious moment. The kind of serious moment you see on TV, with tension that's thick enough to cut with a knife, with an electrifying undercurrent that tells you this is it. Midoriya's quirk was activated, jumpy lighting racing across his forearms, one of Todoroki's arms was on fire—which was not something you knew he could do—Bakugou was rushing toward them, screaming an angry battle cry—

And then Team Midoriya blew away
like a flimsy pile of leaves.

The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion at first. Tokoyami, Midoriya, and Hatsume, thrust into the air like plastic shopping bags on a windy day. Uraraka, pure panic painted on her face, unable to hold onto her teammates, frozen with shock. Everyone else, struck with confusion, or awe, or even more confusion.

It was exactly what you'd hoped for.

In the beginning, no one knew how to react, or they just couldn't. After all, how often is one thrown into the air like a poorly made paper airplane? But, once everything had well and truly processed in Midoriya's mind, you're almost certain you saw the five stages of grief pass over his face in a nanosecond.

Then the fragile calm you'd somehow managed to establish with your chaotic neutrally aligned actions dissolves in an instant, and everyone starts screaming again. Some out of fear, others out of baffled joy, but all melded together in an unholy teenaged choir, voice cracks abound.

Tokoyami, ever the cool-headed one, was able to take advantage of the chaos and snag one of the headbands hanging around Todoroki's neck, landing Team Midoriya fourth place. Todoroki got first (for once), Bakugou second, and in third...was Floof! Whose name is Shinsou. Shinsou Hitoshi. Good to know.

No one else got enough points to place. Or rather, no one else got any points at all. There's an odd sort of vindictive pleasure that comes with knowing the weird blonde kid who jumped you, Tsuyu, and Shouji didn't end up getting any points either, but it's bittersweet. Speaking of the whole getting jumped thing...

"Hey Tsuyu, is your arm doing okay?" you ask, anxious to join the celebrating Uraraka and Midoriya, but needing to make sure all the same.

"Yes [l/n]-chan, the sling is working perfectly. I'll return your sweatshirt as soon as I can," Tsuyu says back, frustrated by the loss but not being any less kind because of it.

"Oh it's fine, don't worry about it," you assure her. She needs it more than you do right now, and it's not like it's cold or anything.

"Well thank you, [l/n]-chan."

You grin at her. "No problem." Shouji gives you several thumbs up, and you smile at him, too. With that you set off, sprinting toward Midoriya and Uraraka
as fast as your tired body will allow.

"Uraraka! Midoriya! Congrats!" you refrain from shouting, and make sure to keep your arms close to your sides, lest you try to bear hug one of them off the ground. That's typically frowned upon.

"Ah, [l/n]! Thank you!" Uraraka smiles while Midoriya just bawls, apparently shocked and awed by the fact that he won something, even though he's pretty amazing from what you've seen so far.

"You too, Tokoyami! And Hatsume!" They both nod and smile like Uraraka, too. At least...you think Tokoyami smiles. He's got a beak, so it's hard to tell.

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