~chapter 8~

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It's not exactly a difficult connection to make, and there were certainly a lot of context clues, but in the moment you flounder.

Well...is that Floof's thing? Like, his quirk? He did say thanks for the ride, and—

Suddenly, the stadium erupts into cheers. It takes you a slightly panicked moment to figure out why, but when you do, you start cheering, too.

Midoriya just won first place in the obstacle course race.

You fly out after him, ducking under the weird gate they put in place and landing beside him. It's not the most graceful landing you've ever managed, and it kicks up a lot of dirt, but you're so excited and proud and wow he really did it!



You really want to hug him or shake him or something, but that would be weird so you settle for flapping your wings slightly, trying to contain all the energy and adrenaline that's still shooting through you.

"That was so cool!" you gush and he beams, hiding his face behind his hands and saying something humble. But now that you've got the time, there's something important you have to do.

"But also really reckless! You could've gotten hurt so bad!"

Not expecting that, he looks at you a little startled. "Well, yeah, I know, but...it was the only way I could win." He rubs his neck, a nervous gesture, but looks you in the eyes, and you see that same flicker of determination he had when talking to Todoroki.

You sigh. Reprimanding him isn't going to do much if he's this dead set on it, but still.

"Winning isn't everything, you know."

"Yeah, I know," he says with a nervous little laugh, but you can tell he doesn't mean it.

Uraraka and Iida come running up to you after that. Really good timing, because you're not quite sure what you were going to say would be what Midoriya wants to hear.

"Wow! That was awesome you guys! First and third!" says Uraraka, panting heavily but still bubbly as ever.

Yeah, you got third. Todoroki somehow got the drop on you when you were panicking to figure out what was happening, but you slipped in right after him. Third is still way better than you were expecting though, so you're not complaining.

Iida's off a ways behind Uraraka. He's mumbling to himself like Midoriya tends to do. Well, he's saying it to the three of you, but it's a conversation he's having with himself. A frustrated conversation. It's not hard to see why he's so upset; his quirk is all about speed, and he didn't place as high as he wanted to. It must sting.

A familiar whip crack sounds above your head.

"So it's finally over. Let's check the results!" It's Midnight again, and the electronic signboard is lit up behind her, displaying everyone's scores to the world.

Bakugou got fourth, which you doubt he'll be happy about, what with what he was said during the athlete's oath ceremony thing.

Floof's pretty high up there, too. You don't catch how high exactly, because seeing him reminds you of what you were thinking before before you were distracted by Midoriya winning and being proud of him and stuff.

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