~chapter 5~

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School is very school-like, if you ignore the weird U.A.-specific stuff. Like, there's math and science and history, and then there's the class where everyone gets to pummel each other for training purposes. It's different, but a good different. Everyone's pretty nice, for the most part.

Yeah. For the most part.

(A kid named Bakugou Katsuki threatened you earlier in the week. At least, you think it was a threat. It sounded like one. Maybe that's just the way his voice is.)

Time flies. Soon enough, it's the day before the sports festival and everyone's nerves are wound tight and tensions are high.

Even Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida, the sweetest people you think you've ever met, look something near ruthless.

It's very, very intimidating.

You didn't think you'd be able to participate, being a late transfer and all, but Nedzu cleared you for it. Whether or not that's a good thing has yet to be decided. It's not that you're ungrateful, and it's a wonderful opportunity and all, but you're also woefully unprepared. You've only had a week to get used to using your quirk in what would be, uh, battle scenarios, but everyone else in class 1A has gone toe-to-toe with a villain, maybe more than once. What you need is experience, but you can't force that, it needs to happen organically. It's a little (very) late for that now though.

When school lets out for the day, you're far from the last one hyped up on nerves.

It doesn't help that no one can leave, because a small mob has crowded outside the classroom door.

Everyone in class is kind of like "Uh..." except for Bakugou, who just shoulders past the rest of the class to start arguing.

"Move aside, cannon fodder," Bakugou snarls. Iida is fast to reprimand him, but that doesn't do enough to deescalate the situation.

"You sure are modest, huh? Are all the kids in the hero course like this one?" comes a voice from the back of the crowd. Bakugou bristles and looks ready to explode something. Whoever said that maneuvers their way to the front and--

Woah it's floofy purple hair guy!

"I gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering."

He's kind of...rude.

"Depending on the results of the sports festival, they might consider transferring us to the hero course. The reverse...is also true."

Everyone stiffens up, because that? Sounded like a threat.

"Consider this a declaration of war."

And that was definitely a threat.

No one really says anything. How do you respond to something like that? Who says that kind of thing? It's so out of left field that you're all shocked into silence.

"Hey! I'm from class 1B next door!"

A new challenger approaches. He's got weird metallic eyelashes and sharp teeth that gnash together menacingly every time he closes his mouth.

"Heard you guys fought some villains before. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about, but all I'm seein' is this arrogant bastard!"

It's seems like Bakugou's already made a reputation for class 1A. A sucky one.

Everyone (except Bakugou) just kind of...cringes internally. We won't escape this, will we? Bakugou's doomed us, hasn't he?

Kirishima tries to reprimand him, or at least ask him what he thinks he's doing, but Bakugou just brushes it off.

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