~chapter 1~

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First day of school. Totally fine, no big deal. Except for the teensy little fact that your new school is in a different country, where everyone speaks a different language, and it's one of the top hero schools in Japan, if not the world. It's fine though, you're definitely not panicking. 

When your alarm wakes you up you take a moment to make sure it's not all just a dream.

That morning's blur. It's only you in your little apartment, courtesy of your detached but not unkind mother, so you need to make breakfast for yourself. So you do that, and it's a simple spread of jam on toast, but you kind of forgot to brush your teeth. So then you do that, but then your toast's cold, but it's just toast so it's whatever(kind of). And then you have one foot out the door before you realize you're still in your pajamas, and rush back inside. 

A week ago, you would've sped through your routine and been out the door in twenty minutes flat. You would've been on the bus by now, laughing with your friends and doing stupid stuff the bus driver would yell at you all for. It would be easy. But now, your mind's mixed up and anxiety's crawling up your throat like bile and why can't you just do this simple stuff right--

And it's a lot, but you're okay. You can do this. 

So you pull on your uniform, tie your tie just right, grab your bag, and head out the door.

Before you realize you forgot to put your shoes on


U.A. is...not like what you thought it would be.

Well, the building definitely is. It stands tall and imposing, almost made entirely of glass that reflects the clouds around it and blocks the classrooms inside from view. One-way glass, like the kind they use in interrogation rooms in cop shows. Or in real life, you guess. Even if you hadn't seen pictures of it online, you probably would've known it was U.A. on sight. You think if All Might were  a building, he'd be something like that. Which is a weird thing to think, but you don't know how else to get your point across.

The principal meets you outside the school gate. He's small, furry, and white, like a mouse but not somehow, and the scar that cuts through one of his eyes says that he's seen some stuff. You like his paw-hands.

Principal Nedzu hands you a student ID and tells you not to lose it. You'd hate to disappoint him. He'd probably look at you, with his sad little not-mouse face, and you'd feel super bad, and it'd be awful. You resolve to never let the badge leave your person, and begin following him to your classroom.

He tries to make small talk along the way, things like "Lovely weather we're having, hm?" and "How're you holding up?", but once he realizes you're kind of socially inept, he lays off for a while. U.A. is a pretty big school, so once the awkward silence settles in, you have to suffer through it for a very uncomfortable amount of time. Trying to convey "I'm sorry I'm like this" through body language alone is hard, but you think you manage it well enough.

You reach class 1A and the door is huge, way bigger than the doors at your old school. What kind of monster is going to this school that all the doors need to be that big?

Then you remember, oh, All Might is going to be teaching here.

Then you remember, oh, All Might is going to be teaching you.

You have a little trouble breathing just right after that.

All Might is well known, even overseas. He's certainly not as popular in America as its homegrown heroes, but he's still a household name. You know a few kids who still have All Might posters plastered over their bedroom walls. Or you knew, considering they're still back in America. 

The principal knocks on the door and this droopy guy comes out. He's probably the teacher, what with being an adult and all, but he looks so tired and greasy. You hope he gets a nap soon.

The tired adult is, in fact, the teacher, and introduces himself as Aizawa.

"You're the new kid?" he asks, but it's more like a statement than a question.

"Uh, yeah," you say, and you wonder if Mr. Aizawa--no, Aizawa-sensei--can smell fear at the way his eyes squint at your stammering. 

He hums something that sort of sounds like approval, then turns back to the classroom. Before opening the door, he looks back at you.

"Don't come in until I tell you to."

You nod a bit too enthusiastically.

The principal does this little laugh thing that sounds like it belongs more in a shoujo manga than real life, startling you because you almost forgot he was there at all. With his small stature, he can easily fade into the background. Maybe he's less adorable than you thought.

Actually, looking at that scar on his face, he's probably much less adorable than you thought, and more than capable of being some kind of furry assassin. Like, with a little black balaclava  and tiny shuriken...scratch that, he's still pretty cute.

Nedzu bids you farewell, leaving you to stand at the door by yourself. It's not as boring as it could be, because you can hear noises coming from the class room. Groans of disapproval and shouts of glee make their way to your ears in equal measure. It's kind of intimidating, how high-strung the class is. You hope you can get a seat by a quiet kid, if there even are any.

Somehow, Aizawa's voice rises above the uproar, "You can come in now." 

You breathe in a deep breath, brace yourself for class 1A, and slide open the door.


A/N: hi it's me, the author. i want to preface this by saying it's going to be slow going at first, because i want the reader to be more established, and i know that's not everyone's cup of tea, so i'm giving you the chance to bail now

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