Chapter 1

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I just gotten back from my trip to the Blue Mountains. I kinda been going there a lot. It may or may not be for a blond dwarf.

Once I got back Micca was running full speed and tackled me. " I missed you Mystery.Guess who is here?It's Gandalf the Grey!" My face brightens and I grin. "What fun does he have this time?" " I don't know but let's find out." Then we were running towards an oldman.

He bends down to hug me and my sister. "It's good to see you Mystery. I was wondering if you are up for an adventure?" A smirk appears on my face." Gandalf you know I love adventures. Of course I will go." He smiles at me knowing i would go with him." Meet me at a Hobbit hole in Bag End. With a mark on it in a week. If you will excuses me I have to go." I hug him and say good bye. He was off.

Micca appears in the doorway looking mad. Oh crap she is wanting to come to. "Can I come on this adventure?" I face the ground then back at her." You can't come. You haven't finish becoming a healer and I can't worry about protecting you while having fun." I get and start packing. " you never let me do anything. You are always going places without me. You keep telling me it is for my own good. What are you really protecting me from?" I stopped packing and looked at her with sad eyes. "Our past is a mystery I'm trying to find out. I found out that our father is a dwarf. Our mother is a elf. I also found out something you don't need to know." She has tears in her eyes. I go to comfort her but she backs away. "Don't talk to me until you Are ready to tell me everything. Don't bother saying goodbye before you leave." then she walks away.

That was the first time i have told her something about our parents. I don't even know that much.I only have a necklace made by dwarfs and elvish writing. The writing says " You are the Daughter of the Flame" . It is a red stone. That looks like it has flames on it.

I finish packing and go to the stables. I ride a pony named Flame. She has red hair that's why and has a attitude. The name fits her well. I decided to start the ride to the Shire.


I made it to the Hobbit hole a hour after sunset. I walk up to the door and knock twice. The door opened with a very stressed out hobbit.

" Mystery at your service."

"Bilbo at yours."

I walk in hearing a very familiar voice. As i turn the corner i saw Fili and Kili and two other dwarfs.Kili first notice me. He hit Fili's shoulder and pointed at me. Fili turned around and had a very big smile on his face, and a little shocked in his face too.

"Mystery. What are you doing here?" Fili ask as he hugged me.

"What do you think i'm doing here?" I say back with a grin. He was about to say something but got interrupted.

" Fili come help out." a voice asks. I give Fili a 'who is that face.' He grabs my hand and lead me to a room with Kili and two other dwarfs.

" The shorter on is Balin and the other one is Dwalin." he says still holding my hand. We just stood there holding hands until Kili said something."

It would be nice if you could lend me a he hand and not each others." Kili yells out. We let go and started helping. Let's hope no one saw my blush. I just walked off like it never happened. I heard another knock at the door and Bilbo shouting stuff like too many dwarfs. After that there was a whole lot of dwarfs in the place.

" I see you made it Mystery." I turned around to see Gandalf. "Yes I did."

" Let me instdouce you. Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, Dwalin, Balin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Kili and Fili." Good thing Gandalf pointed to the dwarfs while saying there names.

" Hey Mystery sit by me!" Fili just had to yell that out. Gandalf doesn't know of my little adventures to the Blue Mountains. When I sit down I see Gandalf raise an eyebrow. I just smile.

" Now Mystery, are you tell me what you are doing here?"Fili asks with a smile that melted my heart. WHAAT did I just say? I can't be falling for him, well not right now at least.

" Nah" Then he get thrown at him by me. I shouldn't have done that because i started a food war. We are laughing and throwing food. So this is what I'm missing while being with the elves. After all the food is gone, Ori asks bilbo what to do with his plate. Before you knew it you were getting plates, throwing them and singing. Dwarfs are the best. After the song is done and dishes cleaned we hear a knock.

We all go to the door and there at the door is Thorin. I stood behind Fili, so he wouldn't see me.

" Gandalf I thought you said this place was easy to find. I got lost, twice. Another time if it wasn't for the mark on the door." I wonder how he is going to lead us on this quest if he got lost trying to find this place. I turned to Fili and ask him while everyone else is talking about Bilbo's fighting skills.

"Isn't Thorin the leader of this company?" he nods "So we are following someone that could get us lost?" He laughs. which gets Thorin's attention. Which is when he see me.

"I'm guessing Gandalf ask you to come. I'm okay with that just don't bug me Mystery." I Nod" Okee Dokee." We started walking to the kitchen and I hear Thorin murmured 'This is going to be a long trip.'

I sit by Fili and Oin. We sit down and Dwalin starts asking questions. I don't know why but he looks like I have met him before. I could probably find out about my father from them but it is a long shot. I wonder what he looks like? I thought dwarfs hated elves. I can see why elves are no fun. I get snapped out of my daze by bilbo passing out. I get a feeling i'm missing a lot. I will just ask Fili.

Gandalf helps Bilbo to a room and then everyone just relaxes.

" Hey Fili I might have been zoned out at the table. Could you feel me in?"He smirks a little. " Only if you tell me what you were thinking about." I nodded. " There a another way into the mountain but the door is invisible. Where the door is, is a secret but is in the map. And yes there is a map." He knows me to well. I was about to speak but i heard humming so Fili and I went toe the fire place. We hummed along like we were there the whole time but Kili saw as walk in. After the song we went to bed Because tomorrow would be a start.

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