Side Chapter 3-3 (Side- Fantasy)

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Not much time must have passed when I next wake up because the moon hasn't moved too far from its last position. It's been an hour at most, if even. The next thing I notice is that the pain in my gut is completely gone. I sit up and see Yujita sitting and leaning on the tree I'm right next to. "You're awake huh?" He looks at me as I rise up.

"Yeah..." I lift my shirt to see the bruise is completely gone. "Did you do this?"

"Yes I did. I can't believe you came to training while you were hurt. Why didn't you heal yourself first?! Or were you trying to give me a handicap or something?" He scoffs.

"I just forgot, I'm sorry! I was too excited to see how much you improved on your own yet again. Clearly you have been improving! When did you learn to heal?!" My eyes glow with anticipation as I wait for his answer. "Truth be told, Yoshitabi was the one who made me forget to heal myself, but he doesn't need to know that..." I smile anxiously on the inside.

"'s just something I've always known how to do. My shroud ability covers anything I want with shadow, even the air itself. Whenever my scars would hurt or my memories would start to get to be too much, I'd just encase myself in ball of darkness to block out the noise and the pain. The more I did that, the more it started to actually work. My dark shroud would cover my scars and ease the pain, and even go inside my own head to black out those painful memories until I was ready to bear them again. As for physical wounds however, as long as I left the dark shroud on them long enough, they'd eventually just completely go away. I would've done the same to you back then, but...I knew if they caught me, I would've been imprisoned. I figured they'd be able to save you faster than my ability could at that point..."

He looks down at the palm of his hand, clenching it into a fist. "It's thanks to you that I'm this strong and confident now, you know. I can use my power to both protect and heal rather than just lash out at people. I'm grateful to you..."

I slap him on the back, making him jump. "Don't worry about it, Yujita. Remember, the main reason you've gotten stronger is because you wanted to. The fact that you can actually heal instead of simply easing the pain? That's something you accomplished on your own." I give him a proud smile.

He just stares back at me for a few seconds before smiling under his mask and nodding at me. "Thank you. I wouldn't have this motivation to grow even stronger if it weren't for you."

"Is that right?" I stand up and stretch, popping my muscles in the process. "Well then, I have a proposal for you." I grin to myself and Yujita tilts his head in confusion. "Tomorrow, I want you to come to Artemis and hangout with me and my two friends. I want to see just how much your confidence has really improved."

Yujita doesn't say anything for a good while, as if he's processing what I've just told him. "W...Wha...WHAT?! I can't do that! There's no way I can let other people... I just can't! I'm not ready for something like that!"

"If not now, then when, Yujita?" I hear his breath hitch. It's only then that I turn to face him. "Consider this the next step of your training. If you can gain confidence in yourself in front of people other than me, then you'll become even stronger. Not just magically, but also as a person. If you don't think you can do it, then that'll be the end of it."

He slowly cocks an eyebrow. "The end of what..?"

I narrow my eyes. "The end of our training." His eyes widen, and I create another blade of light. "Now up on your feet. I'm not ready to stop training just yet, so let's go! Show me your power again, Yujita!" And so, the two of us continue to fight with our magic. After our training is complete, we head our separate ways.

I plop down on my bed, wondering whether or not Yujita will actually show up. I'm so exhausted from the battles I had today though that I don't think too much before simply falling asleep. The next day, I'm waiting outside of Artemis with Jira and Remi. I had told Yujita when to meet up with me, Jira, and Remi, so if he doesn't show up 30 minutes after at most, then I know that's that.

The three of us are outside about 15 minutes earlier than the meet up time, so we pass the minutes by via simple chatting. "So Riku, who exactly is this friend of yours?" Remi asks, sitting on a bench beside Jira as I lean on the street light next to it.

"Just a friend I happened to make when I went out without you two. As I told you before, he has confidence issues. He might not even show up today." I stare out at the city as I speak.

"Do you think he won't come?" Jira asks, poking my side at the same time for absolutely no reason.

I take some time to think about Yujita and all that's happened between the two of us since we first fought. "...He'll come. He might be a little bit late, but he's not a quitter." I state with trust in my voice.

"Wowww, he must be some guy then." Jira coos softly, leaning back and staring up at the sky.

"I can't wait to meet him." Remi says with a light giggle in her voice.

Not five minutes later, Yujita shows up, wrapped up in the same layers I first saw him in. "Dammit Yujita! I can't even make a comment because it's winter now." I shake my head with a sigh before waving him over. "That's him."

Jira instantly perks up and beams. "Wow! He looks kinda cute! Not that I can see under all those layers..."

Thankfully he wasn't close enough to hear her say any of that. The poor guy might've passed out. "T-These are your friends, Riku..?" Yujita can't even look straight at them, which makes perfect sense considering their good looks.

"Yep. Meet Jira and Remi. You two, this is Yujita." I take a step back to allow them to greet one another. Remi and Jira cheerfully introduce themselves whilst Yujita does the same, albeit a little bit more timidly.

"Alright, now that introductions are done, lead us on whatever excursion you have planned today ladies." I say.

"Aye aye!" The two cheer and walk onward, the two of us following.

"So they already have something planned in advance..? That's a little surprising considering it's only a little after ten." Yujita whispers.

"They drag me around Artemis or around the city every single day. They always have something planned, even if it's on the spot." I say bluntly since I've gotten so used to it.

Yujita stares at me in disbelief. "E-Everyday..?!" I nod once again. "Geez... The girls in Artemis are something else... Or maybe it's just girls in general. I wouldn't know since, uh..."

"Girls don't talk to you?" I ask with a straight face.

"Don't say it like it's obvious!" He growls, making Jira and Remi laugh.

"I wouldn't see why girls wouldn't talk to you. You're so lively!" Jira lightly pats Yujita's shoulder.

"Y-You heard all that..? S-Sorry if I annoyed you..." He quickly looks away.

"What? Annoyed? Now why would you think that?" Remi stops and hops up right in front of Yujita, making him take a step back. "Riku invited you to hangout with us. We welcome your lively side, so please, don't hide from us." She smiles. "Perhaps it'll be easier if you take off this mask. Here-" Remi reaches for his mask with both her hands slowly.

Yujita goes wide-eyed instantly. "N-No wait-" I step over and gently grasp Remi's wrists. Remi jumps a little bit and looks up at me, and all I do is shake my head.

She stares back at me for a moment before nodding, smiling softly. "I see, so that's how it is. That was very rude of me just now." Remi bows lightly. "I'm sorry. I do hope the day comes when you can show me your face without your mask though."

"I agree! I don't care what other people say, I know you're a handsome young lad under those layers." Jira grins and Yujita's eyes brighten up just a bit.

It's hard to tell, but he's smiling under that mask of his, which makes me smile as well. "Alright, let's get going. It's starting to get a little chilly out here." I chuckle and the two girls continue onwards once again. Later that day, the first drop of snow fell onto the streets of the city, and many more soon followed.

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