Beauty Sleeps

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“Jesus!” Ruby screams, turning around and wielding the rolling pin in her hand like a weapon. “I almost popped these babies out! You scared the shit out of me, Gwen.” Her eyes are wide at my sudden appearance. I need to remember she can’t hear like us. A shifter would’ve heard me unlock the door.

“Sorry.” I drop my purse onto one of the prep tables in the back of the bakery. “I didn’t think you’d be in so early with the full moon last night.” Making my way over to the sink, I grab an apron and slip it on before I start to wash my hands.

“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you either. What’s it been, weeks, since you left that little love cabin X has you stashed away in? I was sure you were lost to us forever." I hear the sound of the rolling pin hit the counter.

Guilt hits me hard as I turn to face her. She looks exhausted. Her red hair is up in a messy bun, and she doesn’t look like she’s had much sleep. I’m guessing she didn’t sleep with the full moon last night. Mates go at it like crazy, and to top it off, she’s carrying three pups. It doesn’t help that she’s human. She might have gotten a few shifter traits when she mated Dom, but the pregnancy would be hard on her, no matter what. Wolves only carry for three months, something the human body isn’t designed to do.

I’ve left her high and dry with the bakery, but my mate wasn’t so inclined to let me out of the house. The only reason I’m even here now is because I banged him until he passed out. The mating heat took hold of us, then I gave him the slip when the first light of day hit.

It might have been sneaky, but my brute of a mate needs to learn that I might leave sometimes, but I’ll always come back.

“I’m sorry, Ruby. Things have been...” I can’t think of the right word. Too many words come to mind. Perfect, crazy, intense, exhausting, overbearing? It’s been all those things rolled into one giant ball that made my heart race and my stomach flutter. And I loved every minute of it. I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I have my mate, the missing piece to my soul. I’ve never been happier in my life, but I still feel guilty for leaving Ruby in a bind. She’s part of why I found my mate. She gave me the job at the bakery that started Xavier and I on the path to each other once again.

“It’s fine.” She wobbles over towards a chair, placing her butt firmly in it, and I can tell she’s anything but fine.

“I called in some people to train so you’re not spread so thin with the bakery. I’d love to train them for you,” I offer, knowing I might be training myself out of a job, but it’s the least I can do after leaving her to handle this on her own. I love working at the bakery, but Ruby has to do what she has to do. She has three pups on the way, and I’m willing to do whatever will make her happy and show my appreciation for how great she’s been to me. Not only did she give me a job when I had zero experience, but she also gave me her little apartment so I could get away from my brother. Two things I’ll always be grateful for.

“I’m not going to lie. I’m kinda shocked you're here, even more so without a giant shadow behind you.” She eyes me suspiciously, and I don’t blame her. I’m a little shocked he hasn’t shown up to get my ass already, but I did try to mask my scent. If he’s going to follow me around everywhere I go, I can at least make it a little fun and give my mate a challenge. I haven’t had a moment alone in weeks.

Just when I’d go to tell him to back up off my ass because I needed to pee or something, he’d give me this cute little pout. How he pulled off a pout I have no idea, but the reminder has me fighting a smile.

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