Three Bad Wolves

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One year later…

Ilook up to see Luna sitting on the porch with Finn. The two of them kiss before turning their attention back to our babies. Our four pups sleep quietly in their bassinet as Luna and Finn rock slowly in the swing.

Forest emerges from the house carrying a tray of mugs, and Luna leans up to give him a kiss. She takes one of the mugs and walks it out to me, placing a kiss on my lips and handing me the cocoa.

“I’m sad to see the garden finished for the year,” she says, looking down at the bare earth.

I’m clearing out the last of the winter vegetables she grew for us and covering the plot until spring.

“Good thing you’ve got a greenhouse to play in,” I say, winking at her.

“You boys do like to surprise me.” Her cheeks heat and I can smell her arousal at the memory of yesterday.

I inhale deeply and lick my lips. “It’s time to feed the babies again. Your milk is coming in faster.”

She reaches up, feeling her breasts and nodding. “Nothing like hungry wolves to keep me in supply.”

We walk over to the porch where our four babies are sleeping. We were blessed with three boys and one little girl. And they are all just as beautiful as their mother.

“I think little Lara might be the hungriest of the bunch,” Forest says, coming up behind Luna and wrapping his arms around her. “Our daughter is just like her mama.”

“Hey, Lara might end up being a wolf. You guys don’t know. She hasn’t shifted yet,” Luna says in defense, crossing her arms.

“Baby, we can smell her. She’s all bunny,” Flint says.

“Yeah, she’s pretty adorable,” Luna coos, rubbing her knuckle against Lara’s chubby cheek and smiling.

“Good thing she’s got three brothers to help protect her,” I say, picking up two of the boys—Rain and River. I sit down on the rocker and hold them against my chest. Forest grabs our third son, Rocky, while Finn picks up Lara.

Luna lies down on the big sofa we have under the covered porch and opens her shirt to breastfeed. Our land is out in the middle of nowhere, but I still glance around to make sure there’s no one watching. We love watching Luna feed our young and we take turns holding he babies until it’s their time. Once she’s settled, Finn passes Lara to her, and then he takes River from my arms.

It’s a time for all of us to bond as we pass around the pups and spend time with each one. It’s also a time when we get to smell Luna’s breast milk, which is like catnip for us. It’s so soothing and puts us all in a comatose state. The scent helps the babies sleep and we’ve enjoyed the benefits of it as well. When it’s bed-time, we eat have a turn, licking her pussy then taking a drink. Then we land in a heap on the bed and cuddle her until morning. From what I’ve heard, this is common for shifters after the babies are born.

Life is easy now and it’s more perfect than anything we could have hoped for. We’ve made a home here in Gray Ridge, and even Snow and Koda have become a part of our children’s lives. To think back only a year ago we were all worried about how we could stay together, and now all three of us are bound to our mate as one. Time brings unexpected gifts, and as I look to my brothers and then to Luna, I can’t help but think how true that is.

“I love you,” Luna says, looking around to the babies and to us. “I love you all.”

Life is pretty fucking great.

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