Three Bad Wolves

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After my vow to her, we all still stand there for a moment. We each take another deep breath, trying to get more of her scent in. Our hands press to the cabin, and our heads rest against it. We want to be as close to her as possible, even this small distance making us yearn for our mate.

This is about to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but she’s right. We all need a second to cool down and figure out what’s happening here.

Forest lays his hand down on my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go see if there’s a chainsaw and some pants in that shed.”

I nod, turning around and following my brothers. I knew where it was. Dominic and I had run this land before once when we first came to Gray Ridge and he showed me all around. It was a while back, so this little rabbit must be fairly new in town because I would have smelled her that day.

“When we get there, we need to talk this out. Get our shit straight so when we get back to that cabin we can put on a united front with her. Or she’ll have our balls and we might not get anywhere with her.”

“She can have my balls anytime she wants. Fuck, I don’t even want them. There so goddamn blue, and not from the snow either.” I look over at Forest and shake my head, fighting a smile. Leave it to him to try and make us laugh when we all feel like we are being ripped in two. I didn’t know a person could feel so many things. I rub the center of my chest, trying to ease the ache.

I glance over to Flint, who’s on the other side of me. The fucker has a smile on his face. Forest must notice it too, because he calls him out for it. It’s strange because he was the one who lost it with his howl, probably waking up our whole fucking town. Though when Flint gets to the end of his rope, he explodes.

“What’s with the giant smile, asshole? Our mate won’t even come face to face with us.”

“We know where our mate is, that should be reason enough to smile. We found her. She’s real.” Then Flint puffs out his chest. “I brought her pleasure.”

I smile with him. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. Our mate has been with us for twenty minutes and already she’s healing our family.

I stop dead in my tracks. Flint and Forest look at me funny.

“You two realize when you talked about her you said our mate. Both of you. I just thought of her as ours, too.”

Flint looks down at the ground for a second as if he’s thinking. When he looks back up, he still has that smile on his face.

“I’m not even shocked, really,” Forest adds. “Wasn’t it just hours ago we were bitching about what would happen if we split up? That we’re a family. We’re not blood brothers, but we’re more than that it looks like.”

“It’s almost as if we could sense it. Like when I felt the urge to run back to you guys before I chased her, because it’s true. We’re all her mates.”

“We’ll be the best mates to her. She’ll never want for anything. Think of how well we can protect her, care for her, with the three of us,” Flint adds, excitement in his voice.

“Hey, you know the three of you look like a bunch of weirdos standing naked in a snow storm with giant smiles on your faces, right?” Dominic yells, making all of us look over at him. He’s next to the shed. “Get in here and put some pants on. I’m not talking to you all about getting the town worked up when your dicks are out.”

We all file into the shed like he asks. We grab shorts and pull them on as quickly as possible. My skin is starting to get tight, so I either need to shift or get back to our mate quick.

“Was there a rogue shifter you were chasing or something?” Dom is looking at me.

“We found a little white Beetle that slid off the road.”

“Fucking shit. I’ve told Luna that car isn’t made for Colorado weather.”

“Luna.” We all say her name all at once.

“It fits her,” I say, liking the way it feels on my tongue. “She was trapped. We got her out and she was unharmed.” Then it hits me. What if I we hadn’t found her? I push the thought away.

“Thank god. She’s a sweet girl. Is she in her cabin? I should check in on her—”

Growls fill the small space, and Dom eyes us.

“When we pulled her from the car, her smell hit us.” More than hit us. We were crazed.

Dominic gives me a slightly knowing smile. “Which one of you does she belong to now?”

“She’s all of ours,” I tell him, proud of it and not about to care what people think. This thing is happening no matter what.

He takes a step back, clearly surprised.

“You’re sure?” he asks.

And we all nod.

“Are we fucking sure? As if the raging hard boners we have don’t give it away,” Forest says.

“Wasn’t checking out your cocks,” Dom says, rolling his eyes.

We hear a scream—“My wolves!”—followed by a moan only our shifter hearing could pick up.

It snaps us to attention.

“Sounds like she’s in heat,” Dominic tell us as we explode out of the small space and head for her. “Hey!” he calls out. “You’re lucky there are three of you. I’ve heard about those bunny shifters.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about, and I don’t give a shit at the moment. We aren’t even twenty yards from the cabin and I can smell her need.

“Fuck, I can almost taste it,” Flint growls as we run.

When I get to the front porch, I shout just as I lift my foot. “You better not be on the other side of that door!” I bellow. I kick in the door, watching it slam open, as the lock gives way and we pile inside.

The sight in front of me brings me to my knees.

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