Riding Red

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I flip the lock on the door and turn the sign to ‘Closed’. It’s Friday night, and we’ve had a great day. There were a lot of people stopping by the bakery on the way out of town. Something must be in the air, because it feels like everyone is clearing out. Halloween is tomorrow night so maybe people have plans. There aren’t many places to stay that are close to the national park, so anyone visiting for the day would have to leave in the early evening in order to make it to the next town at a decent hour.

Gwen and I made lots of goodies all morning, and almost everything sold. I wanted to take Gwen up on her offer to go get a drink tonight, and I’m even more excited because it’s been a day to celebrate. There still weren’t any locals, but I’m trying not to dwell on it or let it get me down. Gwen keeps telling me to be patient.

I take one last look out the window before reaching up to pull the shade. I see Dominic talking to someone across the street. Almost as if he senses my stare, he turns, meeting my eyes. From this distance I can barely make him out, but suddenly I see his eyes brighten. It’s almost like they’re glowing. They’re doing that weird thing they did last night. I swear, the sunsets in this place cause people’s eyes to go funny.

The more I stare at him, the stronger the pull is to him. I don’t understand what is wrong with my body. All day it has felt as if my skin has been charged with electricity. I’m so sensitive and tingly all over. I kept rubbing my arms, feeling the hairs on them rise up like I was chilly, but I didn’t feel cold. I’m having the same feeling now. Something inside me wants to open the door and bolt into Dominic’s arms.

I shake off the idea and pull the shade fast, shielding me from his view. I turn around and smile at Gwen behind the counter. Maybe she knows what’s going on.

“Does it feel to you like everyone is getting out of town?”

She makes a non-committal humming sound and goes back to wiping down the counters.

“Seriously. It feels like something’s in the air. Didn’t you notice how all the tourists just bolted this afternoon? It’s almost like something is pushing them out.”

She looks up from the counter and shrugs her shoulders. “I think people are just trying to get out before the weekend. I’m planning on getting out of here first thing in the morning.”

“Really? Why? You didn’t say anything earlier.”

“Oh, no big reason. Just going to visit a friend in Bryson Peak. And it’s that time of the month.” She mumbles the last part under her breath and turns to head to the back.

God, her periods must be bad if she’s got to go stay with a friend when she gets it. Oh well, not my business.

I walk to the back with her and help clean up the kitchen. Once we’re finished, we close the register, lock up the back, and go upstairs to my apartment to get ready.

“God, I would love a place like this,” Gwen says when she walks in.

“I’m actually hoping I can get a new place soon. This just isn’t as isolated as I wanted. Hey, maybe if it works out you can rent it. You live with your brother, right?”

“Oh my God, that would be amazing! I would love to have a place of my own. The way he hovers over me is ridiculous.”

“Well, I’ll keep that in mind if I decide to move.” I go over to my closet and start flipping through clothes. I look over and see Gwen stripping down, clearly not shy about her body. I wouldn’t be either if I had her figure. Big perky boobs with a slim body; who would want to cover that up? Hell, I’d probably run around naked if I were her. “What did you bring to wear?”

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