Finding Snow

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Six months later…

My belly is growing big, but I swear the bigger I get, the more Koda can’t keep his hands off me.

Life is still perfectly wonderful as my mate takes care of me and our growing cub. Apparently, bear shifters are pregnant for a long time, but I don’t mind. I like feeling our baby move inside of me, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s a boy or a girl. Or if it will be a shifter at all.

From what Winnie tells me, the bear gene is dominant, and with a mate the size of Koda, we are guaranteed a boy bear shifter. I loved hearing that and spent hours picturing a little boy with honey-colored eyes and golden-brown hair like his father.

I hum a happy sigh and look up to see Koda carrying over a basket of blueberries for us. We are having a picnic by the lake he found me at. I’m stretched out, enjoying the sun on my face as he lies down beside me and kisses my belly.

“Have you thought about what we should name our baby?” he asks, feeding me a blueberry.

“I think you should choose, Koda. You have a strong name, and I think you will give our son one, too.”

“What if it’s a girl?”

I smile at him and raise an eyebrow.

“Okay. If it’s a boy, I like the name Jasper.”

I nod my head and smile, liking the sound of that.

“But just in case it’s a girl, I like the name Snow.” He reaches up and touches my cheeks, and I can feel them blush.

“Why would you want to give a girl the same name as me?”

He leans down, kissing my lips softly before whispering. “Because I can’t think of anything I love more than Snow.”

We kiss for a long time before I finally lean back and look into his soft eyes. His bear is happy to be outside today, and I’m happy I can do that for him. I’ve brought Koda into the light again, and he no longer feels afraid of what’s going to happen.

He no longer has the nightmares he said he had before I came along. Instead, he sleeps and sleeps until I get up from the bed. Then he’s by my side until it’s time for bed again. He says that before he found me he wouldn’t leave the house a lot, but now he finds reasons to bring me to new places and show me the world. I think it has to do with him knowing I was locked away for so long, even though it was for my protection. I think he feels the need to make up for lost time.

“Well, we both know it’s a boy, so it’s a moot point.”

He smiles at me and cuddles my neck. I rub up and down his back, hearing him growl in delight at the feeling. He loves when I run my nails all over him, scratching his big body.

“If you want a girl, I will make it so.”

I laugh at his serious tone. Only Koda would try and will Mother Nature to give me the sex I want.

Kissing him again softly, I shake my head. “A healthy baby. That’s all I want.”

He kisses me back, and this time he deepens the kiss, putting my back on the blanket and coming over me. He pushes my light spring dress up and exposes my bare sex to the sunlight. Then he moves down my body and settles between my legs.

I close my eyes and moan a little as his warm tongue licks lazily across my clit. We are in no rush today, just enjoying the beautiful spring day and each another.

His mouth opens and covers my pussy, then he sucks on my clit. I feel his thick fingers penetrate me, and I arch up to greet them. I’ve been in a state of constant need since the first time we made love. I thought at some point it would diminish or fade a little, but it hasn’t.

Our mating bond is something I never thought I would experience. It’s all-consuming, and I can’t seem to get enough of him. I reach down and grip Koda’s hair, pulling him as close to me as I can. Then I’m climaxing against his mouth and he’s slowly licking me clean.

When he’s wrung me out, he comes over me, careful of my growing belly, and slides his full length inside of me. My mate mark tingles, as does the rest of my body as we make love on the blanket. His heavy thrusts become our heartbeat, and our perfect day is even better now.

As his hot seed enters me, my own orgasm is triggered, and I cling to Koda, shouting his name. He leans down, worshiping me and whispering words of love. I’ll never get tired of the way he dotes on me and tells me he loves me.

As I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, I feel Koda curl up beside me and kiss my mate mark. It’s heaven on earth, and I never want it to end.

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