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It's safe to say I couldn't sleep that night or even the night after that. Maybe he was just being friendly. He probably didn't really mean that he wanted to take me out. I mean look at him and look at me. We live in complete different worlds. This was destined not to work anyways so in my mind i kinda hoped that he wouldn't call. I mean he didn't have my number anyway. A pang of what felt like hurt hit my stomach. My luck i would get asked out by the man of my dreams and not be able to go out with him because it wouldn't be fair to him. Running a hand through my hair, I decided sleep was pointless. I had to be up for work in 2 hours anyways so it was close enough. Creeping out into the hall, i saw Gwen's room door still closed so i knew she was still asleep. Trying to be as quiet as i could, I made my way into the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, i decided to just do cereal for breakfast and watch tv until i had to wake up Gwen for work. Clicking through the channels, absolutely nothing was on! I decided to switch to netflix and watch one of my favorite episodes of the walking dead. For some reason Judge, jury,executioner always was on my top list of faves. Maybe because i kinda found it attractive when Daryl questioned Randall. Does that make me a sick person? It was weird watching the show now after i talked to norman. I got this weird feeling in my stomach. Half way through the episode my phone lit up with a text message. Looking at the time, i noticed it was on 6:3oam. Who the hell was up at 6:30 in the morning? Confused, i opened the message and saw a number i didn't recognize.

"Morning beautiful" it read.

confused and kinda freaked out, i replied "who is this?"

setting my phone back down, i refocused on the episode when my phone buzzed again. Opening the messaage, my eyes widened when it read,

"Oh hey you're up! it's norman :)"

i shook with nerves as i almost dropped my bowl of cereal.

"how did you get my number?" i texted.

He immediately answered, "Gwen"

I should have known. Groaning, i ran a hand through my hair and texted,"should've seen that one coming"

"lol. well i just wanted to ask if tonight was a good night for a pizza date?" he wrote.

butterflies filled my stomach and i had to cover my mouth as i screamed in total fangirl happiness. Coming back down from my fantasyland, i sighed and felt tears fall from my eyes as i dreaded texting the next message.

"Norman. I can't go out with you"

My small cell phone suddenly felt a million pounds as i waited for his reply. I was fighting off every urge to cry. This was for his own good. I wasn't good enough for him. He doesn't need me. Minutes went by with no response. My heart felt like it was shattering into millions of peices. Just as i was about to put the phone down, it lit up with my ringtone. Norman's name now flashed across the screen. Hesitantly, i wiped a tear that snuck its way down my face and answered,


"hey sweetheart. are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine" i lied.

"Well are you busy tonight or something?" he asked.

"yea...ummm me and gwen are going out to eat" i lied again.

"Oh alright. Well how about tomorrow?" he asked.

"busy" i replied immediately.

pain coursed through my body at every lie i had to tell him.

"What about the weekend?" he asked persistently.

"It's not a good week norman." i sighed.

"Oh umm ok..well some other time then" he said.

a tear slipped down my cheek at how upset he sounded on the phone. It seriously was killing me, "norman. i don't think that's a good idea"

"Why not?" he asked.

"It's a long story" i said and before he could say anything else i hung up.

Throwing my phone across the room, i pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. Why did this have to happen to me. Finally something amazing and I can't have it. It was like I was being taunted. Hearing daryl on the screen, i immediately looked for the remote and turned the tv off crying harder.

2 days later Gwen's pov

Another day at the office. I swear if I didn't have my coffee i would be out cold on my desk. Thank god for Mel for stopping at starbucks every morning. Speaking of melody, something was seriously off with her. Living with her, i've been taught to look for symptoms out of the ordinary with her and these past few days she has been anything but ordinary. She's paler than I have ever seen her. She doesn't talk like she use to. She's way too quiet and last night she refused to watch the walking dead!! Now that is how i know something is seriously wrong!! We never miss an episode and I didn't get to fangirl about my Rick Grimes obsession afterwards with her! I wonder if this has anything to do with Norman? Has he texted her? Is that why she is so upset? Because she hasn't heard from him? Running a hand through my blonde hair, i look towards the back and see Melody zoned out looking at the wall. It wasn't even like she was even here anymore, it was just a body. I jumped when the phone rang.

"Shit" my breathing calmed and my heart slowed back down as I answered,

"dr. Roberts office this is Gwen. How can I help you?"

"hey Gwen, it's norman" he said on the other line.

"oh hey! What can I do for you?" I asked.

"has melody been alright?" He asked.

"she's definitely acting strange" I said turning to look back at my friend.

i heard him sigh on the phone,"she's been ignoring my texts and my calls all week"

"weren't you guys supposed to go out for pizza?" I asked.

"yea, but when I asked her she said you two had plans and that she's busy all week and then she said she couldn't go out with me" he said.

my mind started turning. Melody made up an excuse to not go out with norman. She's making herself miserable. Here is the man of her dreams wanting to go out with her and she's pushing him away. Smiling to myself, a mastermind plot formed in my head.

"How interested are you in melody?" I asked.

"she's all I've been thinking about" he said.

that's all I needed to here.

"norman, I have an idea" I smirked.

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now