One week

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"Norman what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have an appointment" he shrugged.

"No norman I mean really what are you doing here?" I sighed.

"Melody I'm here to get a new doctor that is all" he smirked.

He looked completely serious as I tried to see any cockiness in his eyes. There was none. I guess he really was just here to get established which kinda upset me. I mean it's good that maybe he got the picture and is moving on but boy did it suck.

"Oh ummm ok" I whispered and started on my computer charting his medical history and his vitals.

Once I was nearly done I asked,"so other than establishing with dr. Roberts is there anything else we can help you with today?"

"Yea there is actually" he said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Why you've been ignoring me" he said.

My heart plummeted,"norman this isn't the place for this"

"Really cause last time I checked this was a doctors office sweetheart and you ignoring me hurt me. Hurt me real bad. So how you gonna fix me?" He smirked.

Rolling my eyes trying to fight off the butterflies in my stomach, I grabbed a blood pressure cuff and made my way to him. My hands were shaking with nerves as I tried to hide it from him. I saw he was about to say something so I quickly put my stethoscope in my ears and started pumping up the cuff. Gripping his arm sent electricity through my body. It was just like the first time I shook his hand when Mingus was here. This electricity would flow through my body for the rest of the day and I knew I couldn't just ignore it. He was trying to talk to me but all I heard were muffled words. He arched an eyebrow and I smirked and pointed at the stethoscope and I could tell he groaned in annoyance that I hadn't heard a single word he said which caused me to chuckle. Getting what I needed, I let the cuff go and took it off his arm,

"120/78 great!" I smiled and turned away to put the cuff back.

Looking back towards him, he was rubbing his upper arm where the cuff squeezed him causing me to smirk,

"Alright dr. Roberts will be right in."

"Wait! Mel..." He stopped me right before I opened the door.

Hesitantly looking back at him, he sighed,"I'm never gonna know why you're ignoring me am I?"

Looking into Norman's eyes I saw defeat and sadness overcome them. I had to hold back the tears that almost fell from my own eyes as I quickly looked away from him. Once again here I am, the man of my dreams within feet from me, and I have to hurt him again. Gripping onto the doorknob tighter I sniffed back the tears and said,

"It's not that I want to ignore you. It's because I have to" and before he could say anything I ran out the door.

Quickly making my way into the break room I grabbed a cup of water and took a long drink as I tried to calm down. Norman was my last patient so I didn't have to worry about anymore. The hurt in his eyes kept replaying in my mind and it was killing me faster than the cancer was. Gasping for air, I gripped the countertop until my knuckles turned white.

"Calm down Mel. It's ok. It's for his own good" I kept telling myself in my head. I felt myself begin to sweat and my heart started to pound harder. Trying to focus on anything else but what was going on, my breathing finally calmed and I could walk back out to my desk. As soon as I did though, norman and dr. Roberts exited their room when the appointment ended. Completely avoiding any type of gaze from norman, I went to clean the exam room hoping he would just leave. And that's exactly what he did. Looking up from cleaning the exam table I watched as he walked out of the door. My insides felt like they were shattering into tiny pieces, but maybe now he understands. Never in my life did I ever think I would have to hurt norman reedus. Running a hand through my hair, I finished my work and made my way to the front to look for Gwen. She wasn't there. Hmmm that was odd. Maybe she was already out at the car? Sighing, I grabbed my bag and made my way outside. The Georgia heat still beating down at 5 in the afternoon. Digging for my sunglasses in my purse, I growled when I couldn't find them. Must've left them in the car. As I locked the office, I turned and my heart stopped. The car was gone. Looking in every direction my heart rate quickened because there was still no sign of the car. Did Gwen seriously leave me? Becoming panicked, I dug through my purse and pulled out my phone and just as I was about to dial Gwen's number someone yelled,

"Hey need a ride?"

My body froze as I turned slowly and there leaning against his motorcycle was norman. I seriously almost dropped my phone to the ground. Taking his sunglasses off he smirked,

"Seems like your in need of a ride home"

Walking up to him in disbelief I asked,"did you and Gwen plan this?"

"Maybe or maybe I just know when people are going to need help. I'm good like that." He smirked.

I had to fight my whole body to just jump him right there, but my brain was telling me to be smart. You can't do this.

"Well it is a nice day, maybe I'll just walk" I said and started to turn away when I felt his hand grab mine.

I had to seriously hold back my fan girl screams as I turned back to his hurt expression,

"Melody wait."

I watched as he ran a hand through his hair,"look I don't know what I did to make you not want to go out with me so bad"

"Norman it's not that trust me" I immediately said.

"Then what is it Mel?" He asked.

"I....I just can't" I whispered adverting my eyes to the ground.

His other hand lifted my chin gently and made me look at him,"look I understand ok? If you were hurt in the past I get it and I can assure you I'm not like any guy you've dated. I won't hurt you, just please give me a chance."

"Norm...I..." I started to protest but he cut me off,

"Give me one week Mel. And then if I don't prove to you by then that I'm not like the others you can leave and never have to see me again"

I starred into those bright blue eyes that I've fallen so hard for over the years. I've never seen a man look so determine and at the same time so vulnerable in my life. I was in every girls fantasy right now having norman basically begging to take me out. But was was so special about me? I just starred at him as dr. Roberts words entered my mind,

"if you spend all the time you have left worrying about others and not yourself, you are going to be miserable and it'll make your time left shorter than it already is. You deserve to be happy."

I mean it was only one week. One week to live life like I wasn't dying. One week to be with the man I've dreamed about for years. Maybe dr. Roberts was right. I needed to live life as normal as I could and then after this week he'd be gone.

" week" I smiled.

A new light that I've never seen before shined in Norman's eyes as he smiled,"awesome c'mon"

Norman got on his bike first as I hesitated. He turned back and looked at me as he chuckled,

"Never been on one huh?"

I just shook my head as he patted the seat behind him,"just swing your leg over"

I did as instructed but felt extremely uneasy like I was going to fall off. I mean like where do I hold onto!? He must've seen my confused Face as he wrapped my arms around his waist causing me to blush bright red and my breathing hitch. The bike roared when he brought it to life only making me more nervous and involuntarily squeeze norman tighter.

"Hold on sweetheart" he smirked as the bike started to move.

One week wouldn't hurt.....right?

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