We're brothers

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Melodys pov

It's been a few days since I was released from the hospital. Things around the reedus house have been anything but normal. Mingus still pretty much stays in his room. I've not really seen him since I've been home and I've decided to give him his space until he's ready to talk. Norman has not left me alone for one second. Now don't get me wrong, I love that man more than anything in the whole world but he's taking the doctors advice to an extreme. I can't blame him though, if the roles were reversed I probably would be doing the same thing he was. Today he had to go back to work though. He refused to go at first, but I assured him I would be fine and call him if I felt anything. He still was extremely hesitant. That's one of the things norman reedus and Daryl Dixon had in common, both stubborn as hell. After a few hours of bickering back and forth, he eventually gave in and went to work. Not without texting me every time he was on break though. Looking a round the recording studio that I was currently sitting in, I smiled at the gesture. Norman has gone over and beyond for me knowing the outcome of all of this. He knew me better than anyone, even Gwen. Finishing up what I was currently writing in my notebook, I closed the book catching a good glimpse at the ring on my left hand. Bringing it up to my face to get a closer look, a small smile spread across my face along with tears filling my eyes. Norman wanted to marry me, wanted me to be his wife. He could have any girl in the whole world, but he chose me. A sick, dying, nobody. Shaking my head and blinking back the tears, I set my notebook on the chair before turning off the light and walking to the kitchen. Looking at the clock, I sighed seeing Norman wouldn't be home for at least 3 more hours. Not finding anything I wanted in the fridge I decided to just order pizza.

"Ming I'm gonna order pizza! you want anything?" I yelled.

I waited a few moments and heard nothing like I expected. Shaking my head, I called the closest pizza parlor. Walking into the living room, I lay down on the couch and just started at the dark tv screen suddenly finding no energy to do anything. I was exhausted and the silence in the house was starting to bother me. I missed the relationship Mingus and I had. I knew I had to do something, but I didn't know what to say to him. My eyes started getting heavy and my eyes closed until I was woke up by a small voice,


Blinking awake, I turned to see Mingus looking at me nervously, "you ok?"

Yawning, I sat upright and rubbed my eyes, "yea I just fell asleep."

"Ok well your pizza is here." He said pointing to the box on the table.

"Oh crap, thanks bud" I said.

He nodded and started to walk away when I quickly stopped him,"Ming?"

He stopped and turned back to me. My heart was pounding with nervousness, "ummm...you ok?"

He shrugged, "gotta be"

I looked down at my knees and just nodded, "alright"

He started to walk away again and my heart broke, "please don't shut me out"

He stopped again and looked to me, "I'm not"

"You are" I said.

"You lied to me melody" he said.

"I didn't know how to tell you Ming" I said, "but I was hoping you would've found out another way"

"If you think that's suppose to make me feel better it don't" he grunted and started to turn away.

I quickly stood up, "Ming don't!"

"Don't what melody! What do you want from me!" He yelled turning back to me.

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