chapter 8

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It was still dark outside. I looked at my phone. -2am- great, thats just great. I stood up and decided to get myself a glass of water. As I walked down the stairs I realised that I dont even know where the kitchen is and the staff is already sleeping. Suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. I turn around and Tom was standing behind me. "Jesus Christ, dont scare me like that!", I whisper-yelled at him. He let out a chuckle. "Thought I heard you leave the room.", he stated. "Yeah, I needed some water, but I didnt know where the kitchen is." Tom nodded, then started walking past me. 'Is he seriously going to walk away and leave me?'  "Are you coming or do you need an invitation?", he asked and I started following him. It was still dark, I could only see his silhouette, his broad shoulders, the way he moves his hips with his long legs. This man really knows how to strutt. He stopped infront of a room, opened the door and turned on the light leaving me in complete shock. He was shirtless. I still saw his back, but oh lord this man was fine. As he turned around I swallowed hard. God damn his body, those abs. Tom caught me staring and had a mischevious grin on his face.

"Elliana, youve got a little drool over there.", he sarcastically said and nodged me softly. "Lets get you that water.", Tom stated and poured water into a glass and gave it to me. "Thank you.", I softly replied. Tom watched my every move as I drank from my water, not breaking eye contact. As I put away the glass we walked back upstairs to my room. I turned around to face him and realised he has gotten very close. We locked eyes and for a minute I felt like I lost track of time, nothing around these blue eyes mattered anymore. Tom pulled a strain of my hair behind my ear as he tilted his head slightly, aknowledging every Detail of my face in the moonlight. "Where is your room?", I let out to break the silence. He pointed at the door behind him. "Its on the opposite side of yours." I nodded, then again looked into his eyes. "Have a good night Elliana.", he said after a while. "You too, Tom... you too.", I answered. He came really close, my heart started to race as I heard a click. He opened my door, turned around, walked into his room and closed his door, leaving me standing in the hallway. 'What the actual fuck just happened?', I asked myself. I completely missjudged him, I thought he was cold, didnt show any emotions, but today right now, in this night, he showed me that he does care in a way. I smiled to myself going into bed and sleeping like an angel.


The next morning a loud noise ripped me out of my sleep. I opened the door and carefully looked out in the hallway. The noise came from the room on the left of Toms bedroom. 'Whos room is that?' I slowly approached it and knocked gently, my knock barely even hearable. I heard Tom yell:" Then tell him to get his fucking business going, because if this Deal is blown because of his sloppiness, it was the last mistake he made!" I opened the door to his Office slightly and popped my head inside, seeing Tom sitting on his chair with his hand on the side of his head. As he noticed me he let his arm fall down on his lap and looked at me. "What are you doing here?", he asked annoyed. "I heard some noises and wanted to check what it was. Is everything alright?", I digged. He lets out a sigh. "Just leave.", he stated. I walked into the room and sat down on the opposite side of him. "No.", I answered. "No?", he scoffed. "Then come over here and kneel.", he added.

My eyes widened. "What did you just say to me?", I asked in shock. "I said kneel.", hd replied. I stood up and was on my way to walk out the door as he banged the door close, so I couldnt get out. I was captured in between his arms holding the door. "You said Im your prop to the outside World, well guess what, thats not here. I will not be commanded around like some dog, I have my own voice and my own mind so let me make decisions on my own and do not talk to me like Im anything less than that.", I hissed at him. Tom got closer to me, his body now pressed against mine. "You signed a contract saying you would obey. Remember what the consequence was if you would not listen to me or ignore my wishes? Now kneel or I'll find someone else to kneel for me." I looked him deep into his eyes. "Have fun then." I pushed away his hands and walked out the door back to my room, changing into a  white bikini and a matching white dress. I walked down the stairs and met Alejandro. "Good morning Mrs. Stuard, how was your first night at the Hiddleston Mansion?", he asked with a bright smile on his lips. "Good Morning to you too Alejandro and please call me Elliana. My first night was alright, I slept like a baby.", I returned the warm smile and he let out a chuckle at my reply. "Well lets get you some breakfast then."


After breakfast I headed to the pool. Suddenly I heard loud moans come from the inside of the house. I turned to my left and saw right into Toms Office. Some woman had her head in his lap moving her head up and down, obviously she was giving him a blowjob. His hands where in her hair, controlling her every move. His eyes where glued to me. I gave him a fake smile and made my way to the pool, jumping right in enjoying the cold water on my skin. I swam a few rounds, then I decided to stay on the edge of the pool and look at Verona. Since Toms 'Mansion' is up high and a bit out of  Verona, you can see the City in all its beauty. I closed my eyes and took in the sound of birds singing, the sence of the water hitting my skin combined with the burning of the sun, the smell of the flowers that where next to the pool. I would be in heaven this contract wouldnt exist. Through it I feel trapped, like Im in some sort of luxury prison. Suddenly I hear a loud splash. As I turn around Tom rose from under the water and tucked his hair back, making his way to me. "Did you finish?", I asked. "I beg your pardon?" "Did you finish? The woman in your Office, did you finish with her?", I asked directly. Tom now was behind me. He turned me around and pinned my legs to the wall of the Pool, by putting his legs in between them, forcing me to stay and look at him. "I dont like that cocky attitude of yours. I told you there would be consequences if you disobeyed and still you did. Lets see where that attitude will bring you." He stated in a serious tone. "Im not scared of you.", I replied. He brutally pulled my face closer to his. "You should be, Darling." As he let go, my jaw hurts and I look away from him. Tom made his way out of the pool, stopping for a moment. "Be ready at 7, we are going out.", he commanded and left. 'Great, now I have to spend a date night with him, how could this get any worse?' I thought to myself. Little did I know what was coming that evening.

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