chapter 12

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"Tom...", I let out quietly still in shock. "You are hard to find.", he stated, still not breaking eye contact. "Well that was my intension.", I found my voice again and tried to stand as confident as possible. "Wont you let me in?", Tom tilted his head slightly. Suddenly a fluffball ran past my legs and jumped up Toms legs. "Biscuit, come here.", I bowed down and streched out my hands, but he was too buisy to keep imspecting the unknown visitor. Tom bowed down and took him into his arm. "Biscuit, what a nice name. Nice to meet you little one." Biscuit barked at him and licked Toms nose, which made him laugh. I sighed and stepped aside. "Come in.", I invited Tom in and he plesantely took the opportunity, still with his new friend in his arm. Inside, he let him down and turned to me again. "Elliana, Im sorry for the way I handled everything.", he said. I was in complete shock. Did he really just apologize? "Tom are you alright? Taken any drugs, drank too much alcohol or do you have a fever?", I jokingly replied, we both started laughing. "Yeah of course, you want some weed?", he sarcastically returned. I shook my head, still laughing. I dont know why, but I really did miss him, his voice, his presence, his smell. Today was kind of the first day Ive heard him laugh. "You want something to drink?", I asked him. Tom nodded and followed me into the kitchen. Close by him was Biscuit, sitting on his foot and looking up to him. "So, how have you been these last days?", he broke the silence while resting on the counter. As I started making tea I faced him. "Its been... Well its been a rollercoaster.", I stated. He took my hand and intervined it with his. "Want to talk about it?", he softly stroke my hand. I shook my hand and just hugged him, melting into his touch. At first he was shocked, but instantly hugged me back, resting his head on mine. We stayed like that for a while as I started to sob into his chest.


It was now evening, Tom and I sat in my backyard around a fireplace. Biscuit hadnt left his side and was laying on his lap. "You know he was always with me before you came.", I said to Tom, pointing at the fluffball on his lap. "Jealous Darling?", he joked. I squinched my eyes slightly. "Never!", I whispered and he laughed. His face expression turned serious. "I think we need to talk." I sighed and switched my Position, so Im turned to him now. Tom grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "About what happened a few days ago.", he started. "You dont have to explain yourself. You just didnt wanted me to kiss you, youre not attratcted to me, I get it, lets not make a big deal out of it.", I interrupted him. Tom tilted his head in confusion. "Wait who said that? Will you just let me finish please?" I looked down and mumbled "sorry." He let out a soft chuckle before he continued and got serious again. "Its not that I am not attracted to you El, its just... I made a promise to myself and it would only be fair to you to tell you about it." He took a deep breath.

"I dont know if you know my Story of how I got to be the Mafia Boss. Like Costas already told you my father passed away and I got the business. When I was younger my father and mother where deeply in love. They usually never kissed each other, a kiss was a gesture of love. Well as I got older it got less and less of showing this love they had. I found out he cheated on my mother with another woman and I saw him. I killed my father out of rage and decided to make a promise to myself to only kiss a person I truly have feelings for." I looked at him and saw a tear running down his cheek. My hands cupped his face whiping away the tear, then taking his hands in mine. I kissed the back of his hand. "Thank you for telling me.", I whispered and gave him a weak smile. "You're not mad or scared?", he asked weakly. "No, why would I? Youve been honest with me and I appreciate that. Also Ive never been scared of you." He smiled at me and rested his forehead on mine. "Come here.", Tom said and opened his arms. Biscuit Was now awake again and moved down from Toms lap so he turned to me too, letting my body fall on his, resting my head on his shoulder blade, turning my head to his neck and closing my eyes. He wrapped his hands around my waist intervining his hands with mine. Biscuit was now jumping on my lap curling up again. Now in this very moment I forgot every sadness and sorrow I had. For the first time in a while I felt something I havent felt in a long while: Love.


It was morning as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in.", I replied still laying in bed. Tom opened the door, he had made breakfast and oh boy was that a sight. He was shirtless. I put the cover over my head so that he couldnt see I was blushing, because I was. "Ouch, do you not enjoy the view Darling?", he sarcastically said. I put the cover away and see him touching his chest in a hurt way. I giggle and hit my bed slightly signalising him to sit down. "So no objection from you? Im truly hurt now." He grinned and I hit him softly on his shoulder. "Oh Hiddleston, you have no idea." We both laughed and he placed a kiss on my forehead. I dont know how it is possible, but the Tom Im seeing here is so soft, funny, caring, it amazed me how one person can be so good, but also so bad at the same time.

Suddenly there was a ring at the door. "I'll get it.", I said and got downstairs. As I open the door Sarah was standing infront of me. "Oh my god Elliana there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!", she stated and hugged me tightly. "Hi Sarah.", I said surprised. I hadnt told her I was here. I mean, Tom is a Mafia Boss so he knows how to find me but Sarah? Oh well maybe she just knows me well. "How are you girl?", she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Been better, but its fine so far." Sarahs face got pale. "Wh- what is he doing here?", she half whispered. I turned around and saw Tom, still without a shirt, standing behind me. "Oh my god do you sleep with him for the money?!", she blurred out.

"What? No! Come in, please I can explain everything!" I pleaded. At first she hesitated and got inside. As she walked past Tom, with a huge amount of distance of course, I gave him a look basically saying 'WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL HER?!' and he just returned it with a 'I dont know, let your imagination handle it.' ,or at least I thought that his look meant that. Sarah sat down on a chair waiting impatiently for an explanation. "So, how many episodes of you two fooling around did I miss?", she confronted us. "Well there hasnt been much fooling around.", Tom said and I hit him in the rip. "Sarah, the truth is..." I looked at him.

"Tom and I are dating." Sarahs eyes widened and I feel a hand around my waist, pulling me towards him. Tom nodded in agreement to my statement, but had to keep in his laughter. "But he- how... what... when?!", she stuttered. We got interrupted by Toms phone. "Excuse me for a moment." He placed a kiss on my cheek and walked out of the room. "Spill the beans girl!", Sarah hit on the table softly. "Theres nothing to spill. We met again and it just clicked so we are dating.", I said and tried to avoid eye contact. God damnit, why cant I lie. Sarah looked at me sceptical. "Sooo is he good in bed?" My eyes widened. "Sarah! First of all we havent done it yet and second of all, a Lady never tells." I winked at her.

Tom came back from his phone call. I tried to read his facial expression, but he's got a damn good Pokerface. "You want to stay here Sarah?", I changed the subject. "Over night? Yes please I dont have much money and I need place to stay till our plane leaves tomorrow again.", she stated. "Our plane?", I asked confused. "Well yeah, I thought you would come back to Verona again." I shook my head. "No, Im not ready yet. I am... we are going to stay here." I looked at Tom, who gave me a reassuring smile. "Okay, fine. But I swear if I hear you guys humping at night I will burn this house down.", she stated.


Sarah had already gone to bed. Tom and I where still laying on the couch cuddled up together. "You think she noticed I lied?", I asked. "No, you did it very well.", he replied while softly running his finger through my hair. We stayed silent for a moment. "Tom?", I broke the silence. "Hmmmm.", he murmured back. "Who was that on the phone?" I looked up to him seeing that he had his eyes closed. "My mother telling me my sister got a wedding date." I sat up. "You have a sister?" Tom opened his eyes. "Actually two, but the other ones already married.", he stated. I let myself fall back onto his chest again. "When is the wedding?", I digged. He chuckled. "So nosy." I pinched him in the arm softly. "Its in 1 month.", he then replied. I felt him slowly doze off. "You wanna go to bed?" I asked while running my hand through his short, fluffy hair. "Hmmmm.", he hummed in agreement and we went upstairs. In my room he started taking his Shirt off followed by his shorts, leaving him only in his boxers. I swallowed hard. Tom turned around and looked at me. "You want to change too or stay like that?", he asked jokingly. I rolled my eyes. "Turn around then." "Yes ma'am." He turned around, but I could see his grin. I changed quickly and laid into bed. "Can you let Biscuit in? I believe hes still waiting at the door." Tom nodded and opened the door. Biscuit ran inside and stood infront of the bed, since its too high for him to jump on it. He got picked up by Tom and curled up at my feet. Tom himself now also laid into the bed, his head resting on my chest, our feet intervined. His hand was placed on my waist, my one hand running through his hair, the other resting on his back. "Good night my angel.", he whispered. "Good night my potato", I replied and closed my eyes.

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