chapter 11

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I woke up in my bed, memories of the latest event making their way into my conscious again. Birds where singing, the sun shined through my window but that didnt matter, nothing mattered anymore. Its like my whole World went black and white, no colour anymore, just this big huge nothing. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I still was in Toms Shirt and the shorts. After putting my hair up in a bun and washing my face I looked in the mirror. I analysed my face. There was no emotion to be found, so it mirrored exactly how I felt, numb. Its like all the pain and suffering is gone, I feel nothing. There was a knock on my door. "Come in.", I said in a steady voice. "Hey, its me." Tom. I walked back into my bedroom. Tom was still standing in the frame of the door, having a plate in his hand. "How are you feeling?", he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Good.", I stated and plopped on the bed. "Good, thats good. Want some breakfast?", he wanted to know. I nodded and Tom sat down next to me on the bed. "How long was I asleep?", I broke the silence. "3 days.", he answered and I kept eating.


I ate my breakfast and then looked outside my window. Suddendly I felt a blanket over my shoulders. I faced Tom who was now sitting closer to me. "Youre trembling.", he explained. As I looked down on my hands and body I saw it too. My entire body was shaking uncontrolably and I didnt even felt it. "Elliana, are you sure that you are alright?", he asked me again. I stood up and paced around the room. "I dont know Tom, maybe my whole World just fell down on me. My family died and I was too busy thinking about this stupid contract of yours to even enjoy the day I had with them before they died!", I snapped at him. Everything came crashing down now. Sadness, Anger, Grief, Hate and most of all Guilt. I crashed down on the floor crying. Tom came over to me and tried to hug me, but I started kicking and boxing him. Still he hugged me even tighter. "Let it all out El, let it all out." El. Thats what my brother used to call me. I let out a scream of agony, followed my loud sobs, digging myself into Toms shirt. Sometimes I would even hit his chest, but he'd gently take my hand by my wrist and hold it until I needed him as comfort again.

Its strange, Ive lived with Tom for almost 3 days now, well rather to say 6 days since I slept 3 of them, but something around him just is comforting. I know hes a Mafia Boss, but in these 3 days where I was conscious, I saw a soft side, the Softie Tom, not the Bossy Tom. After a while Ive calmed down, but kept my eyes shut. They where hurting from all the crying. I looked up to Tom, whos eyes where glued to me. I put my hands around his neck and wanted to kiss him as he pushed away. "What do you think youre doing?", he asked confused. "I - I thought. You know what never mind.", I replied and stood up. "No, I want to know, what exactly gave you the signals that you could kiss me?", he digged and wouldnt let me out of the room.

"Are you serious right now? Youve been flirting with me, touching me, kissing me at my weak spots and now youre asking what gave it away? Seriously you men are just stupid.", I stated and showed him away from my door to get out of the room. "We are not done here Elliana, you are not leaving!", Tom yelled at me. "Watch me you bastard! Fuck you, fuck this contract, Im out of here!", I yelled back at him now walking down the stairs. As I was about to walk out the door it got slamed shut. I felt his breath in my neck. He pinned me against the door taking my hand and pulling it up towards my neck. He was trying to hurt me. "Tom stop youre hurting me!", I pleaded, but he still continued to pull it further and further. "William let her go!", Alejandro now stepped in. Before he could pull him away there was a crack heard in my arm and a pain went through it. I let out a scream and went on my knees now staring at Tom. He was in shock, as if he was in some sort of tunnel, as if he didnt even realise what he was doing. Tom made a step towards me. "Elliana, Im so sorry.", he started. "Dont, just leave it.", I answered, got up and walked outside.


It has been two days since Tom broke my arm and ever since then I havent seen him again. I took off with one of his cars, drove to the hospital and got my arm in a plaster and then was on my way home to Macksville. Stupid Tom left his Credit card in the car. I rented a car there and drove to my parents house. After they Sold the farm, they had bought a small house still in the same village. As I walked inside everything was quite. I took in the familiar smell of home when suddenly I heard a whining from the kitchen. I walk over there and see a little puppy laying on the ground. "Hi Biscuit.", I greeted the golden retriever and petted him. "Did you get food today already, huh?" At the mentioning of food his ears went up and I couldnt help but giggle. His name really gave away that he loves food. I walk over to the living room to get his bowl as I see a family picture. It was taken at my goodbye party, when I left for Verona. God I wish I never left Macksville. I take out my phone and listen to the voicemail over and over again, memorizing their words, trying to keep their voices in my mind so I wont forget them. I sat down on the couch followed by Biscuit, who cuddled up in my lap. Looking through old Photos, my phone suddenly rang. Unknown Number.

"Hello?", I answered. "Hello, am I speaking to Elliana Stuard?", a man asked. "Yes this is she." "My name is Alexander Grey, I work for the airline that had the terrible accident and your family past away due to that accident. We found some things on Board that are most likely belonged to them, so would it be alright if we would send them to you?", he asked. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, send them to the following Adress..."


One day later and there was a knock at the door. I opened it and it was the mail man, Jack. "Hi Elliana, good to see you again.", he smiled at me. "Hi Jack, good to see you too. How are you?", I asked. "Good. How is your family? I thought they came to visit you.", he stated. I swallowed hard. "I guess you havent heard then. On their way home the plain crashed, they died.", I drily replied. Jack was shocked. "Oh my god, Im so sorry, my condolences. If there's anything I can do for you, just tell me.", he offered. "Thanks, I really appreciate it.", I replied. Jack gave me the package and I walked inside and opened it. There was my moms wallet, Charles phone, Mads bracelet and a letter. I put on the bracelet, then decided to open the letter. It was my dads handwriting.

Dear Elliana, my little munchkin,

I wanted to give you this letter after your graduation, but as I know myself I probably wouldnt have got the guts to ruin your special day or even tell you the truth in person, so I wrote this.
A few months ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer and I dont know how to put it, but I dont have much time left. There are still so many things I want to tell you, teach you, experience with you, but youve got your own life and wouldnt want to spend it with your old Pops.
I know not everything in life is easy or will be easy, but you are a fighter, just like your mother and I know you will master every obsticle that will come your way, because you are a Stuard and we always keep fighting.
You know, ever since you are born you are this bright shining star, this energy ball, which never is tired or goes dark. No matter what happens to me or to your mom, dont ever let that light go, it makes you who you are.
One more thing. In this letter youll find a ring. I dont know if I ever told you about the Story how your mother and I got together, or rather how we got married, but your mother actually proposed to me and that Ring is in this envelope. Keep it, carry it with you and give it to the person you think is your forever home. I know you'll find love, but not any Kind of love. The epic love that excites you, keeps you on the edge, but most importantly makes you happy.

I love you 3000,

Youll be in my heart always and forever,

Love Dad

While reading the letter tears where rolling down my eyes. I looked in the envelope and found a black Ring with silver edges on a chain. I put it around my neck as I hear another knock on the door. 'Did Jack forgot to give me something?', I asked myself. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hello Elliana."

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