chapter 32

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It was the next morning when a knock on my door woke me up. Chris stepped inside as I let out a Sound of disapproval. "You know  you really are no morning person.", he stated ironically and I threw a pillow at him. "Hey! Don't shoot the messenger!" He held up his hands in a sign of resignation. I sat up rubbing my eyes. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. Without saying a word he threw a letter to me. I opened the envelope and read the letter when suddenly my eyes widened. "That can't be true... Right? Tell me this is a dream!" I couldn't believe what I had just read.

"Youre going to play at the most popular bar in whole Miami!" Chris held up his hands high and I jumped out of bed and hugged him tightly. "You really made it! I am so proud of you!" Tears rolled down my face. "I really made it..."



Elliana was about 7 years old, as her old man walked in on her playing the piano and humming a melody. "Is this song new on the radio?", he asked. The little girl shook her head. "No papa! That's a song I wrote!" The father crouched down to his daughter. "One day honey, you will be famous for your talent. You're going to play the best clubs, but you are going to stay in Miami, because that's where your mother and I first met." Elliana shook her head. "I will never leave this town!", she exclaimed and hugged her father tightly. "We will see about that little one."

*End of Flashback*


"I think he would be proud.", I stated still hugging Chris. "Of course he would be. You were his little girl, how couldnt he be proud of anything you do." I snuggled closer into his chest. "Thank you for everything. You really are the best friend I could wish for.", I said before pulling out of the hug. "Oh my god. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!" Running into my closet I threw around some dresses, before I felt a hand on my back. "Elli we need to talk." Chris said in a serious tone and I immediately stopped with what I was doing. "What is it?", I asked concerned. "Its Sarah." My body tensed after hearing her name. "We found her. We know where she is." My hands where formed into a fist. "Let me change first, but tell them to stand by and wait for me to go there. It's payday for this bitch."



I was at the airport when suddenly my phone started ringing. "Hello?" "Hi, here is Hemsworth. Got a second mate?" A smile formed on my face. "Always for you man. How can I help?" "So as you already know Elliana got that huge gig in the Miami club house tomorrow and I was wondering if we could meet up after that, I wanted to plan a surprise party for Vanessa since it will be our 6th anniversary and you know, you are the romantic one."

I sighed. "Well I didn't knew about the gig so..." "Oh..." There was a short break. "Yeah...", I said, running my hand through my hair. "Well I hope you two figure it out somehow." Suddenly I heard the call for my flight. "Listen man, I have to catch a flight, but we will be in touch, okay?", I suggested and Chris agreed so we said our goodbyes. "Time to go home.", I whispered as I walked into the plane.



About a four hours flight away we finally arrived a small house with a big garden. My men had surrounded the house and were waiting for my sign. "We are ready on your go Miss.", James said and I nodded. "I will go in alone. If you hear several shots fired, walk in. If you hear one, that's me.", I ordered and made my way into the home.

As I opened the door, I heard music and singing from what I believe was the kitchen. I got my gun out, slowly and quietly making my way over to the noise. Kicking the door open, I saw Sarah standing in the kitchen  and turning around from the crashing sound of her door. Her face went straight, as if she had seen a ghost. "Thats not possible. You where supposed to be-" "dead?" I completed her sentence. "Well I am alive, all fit and ready to kill. I think it's time we have a little talk dont you?"


We where sitting on the couch for about 5 minutes now, neither of us saying a word. "How did you survive?"  Sarah broke the silence. I let out a scoff and shook my head. "No that's not how this is going to work. I will ask questions, you will answer. If I am done asking questions you will be done too.", I didnt break eye contact. Her focus wandered to the gun. "So will you let me live?", she asked. "God no. You will definitely die and I will make sure of that, I just need answers and for that you still need to be a breathing monster. So... let's get started!"

I sat down on a chair in front of Sarah and gave her a fake smile. "First question: Why me?" She looked at me, not saying a word. "Okay... fine." Within a second I ram a knife into her thigh, making her scream out in pain. "I told you to speak." I turned the knife in the wound. "Im going to ask you again. Why. Me." Sarah let out a scream of agony. "Because you were perfect for the job!", she yelled and I stopped turning. "Explain.", I ordered and she looked up to me breathing heavily. "Like I said you recently moved to Verona so you didn't knew about all the stuff Tom did to build his empire, you weren't afraid. Also you are a rule follower, so no disobeying which would make you boring to him after a while. Like I said, this wasn't supposed to become a love story." My jaw clenched. "Why did you kill my parents then?" Sarah scoffed. "Well you see, at graduation Charlie found my file I had about you and confronted me about it. I was able to convince him it was nothing serious, but he was still suspicious. We thought that he might have told your parents about it, so we couldn't take a chance."

I hit the wound again with the knife. Sarah let out a scream. "I AM TALKING, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" She yelled at me. "Thats for me to know and for you to think about why." I let out a deep breath. "How would he have done it then?" Sarah looked at me confused. "Costas. How would he have taken over Toms empire if I would have died?" She nodded and cleared her throat. "Well thats a little bit more complicated. So as you might know it's easy to hide a dead body as a Mafia Boss. People stop searching for you if you are in contact with the bad guys. Where was I? Right... so basically after people see you two in public they stop caring about your existence. If Tom wouldve killed you we would've went to the public. Exposed Tom and of course hand him to the police on the silver platter. We had people at the station who would have even very happy that this son of a bitch was finally in jail. Then there would be a free spot on the power latter, Costas would've taken the throne."

"But then why put me in a coma for half a year?" "After you guys fell in love we knew you were his weakness. If we would be able to turn you against him, it would have completely destroyed him and that's when Costas would have taken over and killed him... when he was at his lowest."

I nodded, then took out my gun again. "Wait, what are you doing?" Sarah asked panicking. "Like I said earlier. I ask, you answer. I'm done asking, which means you have no use for me." She shook her head. "No... please don't... I- I could be a use for you. I have information about many things! Please, just give me a chance!" I slowly raised my gun. "I have a husband!", she kept on screaming. "You dont get it do you? You have stole 3 and a half years from me. I lost the love of my life because of you. There is nothing in this world that can describe the hate I feel towards you, so no second chances, no forgiveness, no mercy."

I made a break. "Have fun in hell and greet Costas from me, will you." With that I fired my shot into her head, watched her every muscle sink in, turned around and left the house.

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