chapter 10

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As I woke up I looked around. Suddenly I felt a pain in my arm, realisation hit again, or rather to say what happened last night. It was terrifying, but that moment with Tom, it was magical. I saw a side of him that Ive never thought I'd see. I stretched myself and then got up. I looked through the drawers since the only thing I could wear was the dress from last night and I definitely didnt want that. I saw a black Shirt in the drawer and put it on. It was not very long, barely covering my ass, but its oversize so that should do the deal. As I looked on my phone, I realised that it was 6 in the morning, Tom was probably still sleeping. I walked over to his room and saw him slightly snoaring, laying on his stomach. I couldnt help but smile at the sight, walked over to his bed and placed myself next to him under the covers. I observed every Detail of his face, soflty following his jawline with my fingers. Tom opened his eyes slightly. "Good morning sleepy head.", I said. "Good morning Darling.", he replied, stretching himself and looking at his phone, then looking at me. "Its 6 in the morning.", he frowned. "So?", I questioned. "Elliana its 6 am in the fucking morning, I couldve still slept." He burried his face in the pillows. "Someones clearly not a morning person.", I stated and earned a death stare from him.

"Come on, get up. Its time we do something.", I tried to motivate him. Nothing. 'Did he really just fell asleep again?', I asked myself, stood up and was about to leave as I heard a quick movement and felt his hands on my waist, pushing me slightly at the door. "What are you wearing there?", he whispered into my ear, which send shivers down my spine. "Its the only thing I could find.", I replied barely even hearable. One touch from him and Im done. He really has no idea what hes doing to me. I felt kisses on my neck, his hands roaming my body. "Such a bad girl.", he said between the kisses, then sometimes brushing his hand over my underwear. I closed my eyes trying to keep the moans in, that wanted to leave my mouth. My hands needed a grip so I reach behind me, steadying myself on his muscular arms. His hands where now moving upwards my body under the shirt. He started drawing little circles on my stomach, still keeping me between his legs and the door. "You know what happens to Bad girls, right?", he asked, his hand now lowering my underwear. I shook my head. "Words Darling.", Tom said. "No."  I let out followed by a moan. "They get punished.", he stated opened the door, pushed me out of the room and closed the door again.

'What the actual fuck just happened?' I stood there still trying to catch my breathe. That was hot. I mean Ive been touched before like that, but I swear his touch was something different. Frustrated I leave to my room again. As I Check my phone I see that I had no Signal. 'Lets hope no one tried to reach me.', I thought to myself and laid back down.


Hours later we finally have normal ground under our feet. With high protection Alejandro picked us up from the port. I was really tired and we still had a flight back home. During the flight I was very cold and just needed some company. I looked over to Tom, who had his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful. I did change into some shorts but kept Toms Shirt on. I walked over to Tom and placed myself on his lap, putting my arms around his neck and my head resting on his shoulders. "What are you doing?", he mumbled into my neck. "Resting.", I replied and closed my eyes. I felt his arms around me and then a blanket following. Within seconds I was sleeping like a baby again.

I woke up from Tom caressing my cheek. "We landed.", he informed me. I still was sitting on his lap so he couldnt really get up, so I moved to the seat next to him. He stood up and before he walked into the Cockpit he pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear. I gave him a smile, now checking my phone. 20 missed calls, 15 messages, 1 voicemail. I checked my messages first. Sarah and Charlie had texted me. I opened Sarahs first, she send me 14 messages.

- Hey, call me back pls.-
-Elliana its urgend.-

I flew over the messages, she really didnt tell me what bothered her. 'Maybe something happened with Matteo.' Then I checked the message Charlie left me.

-I love you, always and forever.-

I really have the cutest brother. I quickly reply to him. -Love you too big bro, cant wait to see you again <3-. I look at my voicemail. Also from Charlie. 'What could he possibly want?'
I started listening to the voicemail. You could hear people scream in the background.

"Hey big sis, its me Mads. You arent picking up your phone, so I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. You are the best sister in the world."
Suddenly my dad Was speaking.
"Hi little Angel, I love you so, so much. Stay strong please, always remember you are a fighter."
I was so confused, why are they saying all of this. Now my mom Was speaking.
"Hey lovely, its Mom. It was so good to see you again, I wish we had more time together. I love you above and beyond my little girl."
I had tears in my eyes and I started to panic. What is happening?
"Hey, El its Charlie. We dont have much time left, but El, you are my whole World. I love you with all my heart. Make us proud okay? We all love you so so much."
The voicemail ended. I started to panic, tears now running down my cheeks. "Elliana what's wrong?", Tom asked. I guess he came back. "U
I cant reach my family.", I sobbed. I tried calling my Dad. Nothing. My mom. Nothing. Mads. Nothing. Charlie. Nothing. Then I callef Sarah.

"Oh my god Elliana I was so worried about you, girl where are you?", she asked concerned. "Just landed. Listen have you heard anything from my family?" There was a silence. "I thought you knew.", she stated. "Knew what Sarah?! Can you please tell me whats going on!", I yelled into the phone, then looking at Tom who gave me a concerned look. "There was an accident. The plane your parents where in. It crashed into the atlantic." After that everything went blurry. I let my phone fall to the ground and as I wanted to stand up I fell down on the ground. Tom was running to me calling my name. Thats the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

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