The Yandere Serial Killer Case Part 2

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Maka. Soul. Black Star. Tsubaki. Death the Kid (or Kid for short). Elizabeth (Liz). Patty.

These were the teenagers you were responsible for, for the duration of this case.

You invited them to Illumi's place, which was a townhouse that his family owned and maintained. Whenever you guys came to Death City, you stayed there.

The perks of having a partner whose family is filthy rich!

Everyone gathered in the living room -- the teenagers looking in awe at how expensive everything looked.

"How the heck do you afford all this stuff?" Soul exclaimed. It was more rhetorical than literal, but nonetheless he received a response from Illumi.

"None of your business."

"Sounds sketchy to me."

"Do you want to die?"

"Soul, stop it!" Maka interjected before her partner could push Illumi's buttons even further. She faced you and your partners. "I'm sorry about him. Just ignore him."

Soul looked annoyed at being reprimanded, but did as he was told. Illumi kept his stoic expression, but you could tell he was relieved. Hisoka looked disinterested in the entire conversation, opting to play with his deck of cards that he always carried around. Chrollo had his book closed on his lap and was silently observing the teenagers.

"Let's just move on." You nodded your head to acknowledge her apology but kept the conversation moving. You waved a manilla folder, just enough for it to catch everyone's attention (specifically, the teens). "This is a serial killer case." You began explaining, "Apparently, the deaths seemed to be random at first. A few students. A teacher. Parents. Then when you look at it more closely, you find out that all of these people were associated with the same person. The information in this file states that the one who most likely killed all the victims is 14 year old Mei Sugahara. She killed her parents, classmates, and her homeroom teacher. Now, she and her boyfriend are missing. So, what are your thoughts so far?" After explaining, you slapped the manilla folder on the coffee table in the center of the living room. You sat back in your chair and folded your arms over your chest, looking expectantly at the DWMA students.

You saw Soul and Black Star tense up at your question, which led you to believe that they didn't expect a pop quiz. Maka and Kid were deep in thought. Patty was totally in la la land and Liz appeared nervous like she was trying to come up with an answer on the spot.

Your authoritative body language made your partners feel prideful even if they weren't saying it out loud. Well, Illumi and Chrollo wouldn't say it out loud -- not in front of others and children no less.

But Hisoka?

That trickster was a different story because he had no shame. You could feel his eyes on you and you were pretty sure you knew what facial expression he had.

He did a good job of concealing his lust aura though.

"Could Mei and her boyfriend be working together?" Kid asked, being the first to break the silence in the room. "They decided to kill for whatever reason and now that the police are on their tails, they're making a run for it."

"That's a start." You nodded.

"Has anyone talked to Mei's boyfriend's parents?" Maka asked.

"I'm glad you asked." You smirked, "It's always good to gather as much information as possible so you don't walk into a fight and get yourself killed." Maka seemed pleased with your response and praise. "According to the interviews with Mei's remaining classmates and the boyfriend's parents," You continued, "the classmates that were killed were either the boy's ex girlfriends or girls who expressed romantic interest in him. There was also conflict between the teacher and Mei's boyfriend because the teacher didn't care for him given his lack of participation in class. The boyfriend's parents also shared that he was planning to break it off with her. So with this information, what do you think now?"

Kid replied very sternly, realizing how dark and tragic this case was becoming. "They're not doing this together at all. He's probably in danger."

"B-But she wouldn't kill her boyfriend, right?" Maka asked, looking horrified. That's not how love and relationships work.

"Tell me," You tilted your head to the right, "have you heard of a yandere?"

"Yandere?" Maka repeated.

"Oh, I know what that means!" Black Star spoke up, pushing his chest out with pride. "It's what you call crazy girlfriends!"

"That's kind of right but not really." You dismissed. "It's a personality type that involves someone being obsessed with a particular person to the point where they will kill for their sake and have no remorse."

"That's a thing!?" You couldn't tell if Liz was disgusted or terrified. Although, it was probably both.

"I think this is a case against a yandere 14 year old girl who was only able to kill so many people because she was underestimated for being underage." You clarified, "If you were her right now, where would you go?"

"You get out of town." Soul responded.

"If you have money, yes." You replied.

"Abandoned building?" Black Star suggested.

"Possibly." You shrugged, "As time goes on and you gain more experience, you'll be able to think like the person you're trying to catch and outsmart them. Also, use your resources to your advantage. Right, Illumi?" You glanced at the black hair male.

Illumi hummed a confirmation before sharing, "She sought shelter with a witch."

The teens didn't bother asking how he knew that with such confidence. Illumi also gave off an aura that screamed 'don't question me further.'

By this point, it was becoming evening. If it was just you, Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo, you would've went and raided the witch's coven tonight and get it over with. But since you have minors with you, it was more responsible to wait until tomorrow.

After Soul and the others left, Hisoka whined about not getting to kill anyone today. Illumi agreed but only with a short, "Yeah, it's a shame." If Chrollo felt the same way, he didn't verbalize it.

Knowing them for as long as you had, you knew pent up bloodlust was not a good thing. This is especially the case with Hisoka.

You were going to have to find a way to get them to kill tonight.

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