The Yandere Serial Killer Case Part 5 (Finale)

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Once the witch had been killed, there was no longer a reason for the subordinates to fight and they surrendered quickly.

The police were called to the scene and took Mei with them (but not before putting her in a straitjacket) as well as arrest any of Mephitis's followers who were still alive.

Mei's boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, was taken home. He would be questioned another time.

Being a responsible adult, you walked the teens home. Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo were also there, but they hung back.

"Thanks for everything, Ms. (L/N)!" Maka beamed with a smile. You didn't have a problem with her calling you that, but it did feel a little weird.

The others chimed in about enjoying being able to fight alongside you with Black Star claiming that he'll surpass you one day.

"No problem." You smiled back. Not as bright as her smile, but enough to keep the conversation feeling lighthearted. "Have fun in school!" You said with a brief wave before turning on your heel to join your partners.

"About time. I thought you would never finish." Illumi commented, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, let's all go home, shall we?" Hisoka suggested.

Chrollo held out his hand for you to take, which you did. "Those kids," He thought aloud, "have potential to be strong."

"They sure do." Hisoka agreed, "Especially that young meister girl." He added, licking his lips.

"Don't even think about it." You and Illumi scolded him at the same time. It's no wonder Hisoka hasn't been arrested yet.

The four of you took your time getting home, engaging in small chitchat on the way. Illumi was on your left and Chrollo and Hisoka were on your right. You and Chrollo still hands your fingers interlocked. It was peaceful.

Some people may wonder how you get along with three strange guys such as these, but it just works. Since you've literally been paired together, you've gotten to know them, their personalities, their interets, and their flaws. You may have had your bumps in the road at first, but you're a well oiled machine now.

These are your friends and you don't want to lose them.

Likewise, the men are very grateful to you for approaching them (although, only Chrollo admitted this out loud) when no one else did. You've become the glue that holds them together (because they do bicker often) and they'd literally do anything for you.

Want them to find out where someone lives? Done.

Want someone dead? Sure.

Want to kidnap someone? We're all for it.

The only one who would blantly say 'no' when it didn't suit him was Illumi. Don't ask for foot rubs, neck massages, none of that! But he will definitely kill someone if you ask him to do it.

As long as it's not a member of his family.

Now that the yandere case was finished, it was time to leave Death City. But first. . .


The sun had set for the day and the moon shined bright in the sky, stars twinkling all around like a light show. This was the perfect environment for those who are experts in stealth.

You already knew what cell she was in, so the real question was how to get inside unnoticed.

With colored contacts on to change your eye color and your hair effectively stuffed inside your hat, you were welcomed into the prison with open arms as you greeted people in your borrowed guard uniform.

Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo were in camouflage mode -- a weapon mode that disguises the weapon into an everyday object. It's an advanced technique you learned from Illumi's father.

Chrollo was now a necklace with a cross.

Illumi was a pin needle that you used as a single earring.

Hisoka became a belt -- something he was ecstatic about because he would be wrapped around your waist.

You played the roll of a new night shift guard, the real one unfortunately was killed by Illumi, and was given a tour. When you passed by the targeted cell, your earring "slipped" out. You would continue onword to distract that guard while Illumi killed Mei. On the way back, you noticed that your earring had fell out and picked it up and pierced it back through your ear.

When you had time alone, you slipped out and fled Death City with your partners.

According to the reports, Illumi did quite the subtle job with that kill. There was a single puncture wound going straight through her neck. She bled to death and most likely chocked on her own blood.

Controversy broke out about whether authorities should find the killer or not. She was certaintly going to be put on death row shortly since she was on Death's Hit List. However, she died before that could happen.

Technically, it wasn't illegal but she wasn't put on death row yet.

"Even if they come looking for us, I'll kill them." Hisoka said in response to the new reportings from Death City.

"Then we'd have a huge target on our backs." Chrollo replied, not looking up from the new book he was reading.

"Not like we haven't before." Illumi chimed from the driver's seat.

"Heh," You chuckled, "yeah we've definitely been in worst situations. We always pull through."

"Surprisingly, we work well together, don't you think?" Hisoka chimed.

"Yeah, when you're not bickering." You teased.

"If anyone bickers, it's because Hisoka's an idiot." Illumi stated.

"Hmmm?" Hisoka hummed, holding a card up as if he was ready to attack. "Want to try saying that again? I don't think I heard you correctly." Some bloodlust radiated off of him as he glared at the back of Illumi's head.

Chrollo sighed, knowing what was about to happen. "I just wanna read my book in peace." He whined softly.

"No need to repeat myself, but if your hearing is that bad, you might want to see a doctor." Illumi replied, taunting Hisoka more.

Before Hisoka could say or do anything, you intervened. "Start a fight right now and I'll make you both permanently blind myself." You warned.

Illumi seemed unaffected by your words, but didn't try to irritate Hisoka anymore. Hisoka, on the other hand, glanced at you seductively. "Will you really, (Y/N)?" He purred, "Please do."

You rolled your eyes at his comment. At least, his attention was off of fighting Illumi. Despite him being annoying by making everything sexual, Hisoka was fun to be around. He knew how to have a great time. Illumi was a great person to roast other people with. Chrollo was a great friend to have deep conversations with.

You enjoyed your time with each of them. You also don't regret talking with them that day, despite what you initially thought, because that was the day you made three friends who will stick by you for years to come.

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