"Look out!" Hiccup shrieked as he jumped in front of Astrid and Stormfly, drawing his sword and igniting it.
You see; Hiccup, Astrid, and the Haddock children had spent the entire morning working with the Triple Strike; Sleuther. After being raised in the Dragon Fight's he had become rather hostile and it was presenting a bit of a challenge.
Sleuther struck the ground, causing Hiccup to jump back.
"Woah!" He let out a frustrated growl.
"The book of dragons," Nuffink whispered to his sister from the back of his dragon. "Didn't it say the Triple Strike responded to clicking sounds?"
"Yes. But we have to let them figure that out on their own. If we train him now then he won't strike later and Mom said that dad protected her from the Sleuther when she lost her sight. That's what brought them together. Remember, if we mess with history we could wipe out our entire existence."
The Triple Stryke quickly spun towards the young female and twisted his tail to prepare for an attack when Toothless leaped in front of her and her dragon and prepared a blast.
"Toothless, no! We're trying to train it." His rider explained. Toothless ceased and spun towards his friend.
"How are we supposed to train it if we can't get close to it?" Astrid wondered.
"I guess you can't blame it. The last humans it dealt with forced it to fight other dragons to the death."
"Hiccup, maybe we should make room for the possibility, that the Triple Stryke is just, untrainable," Astrid mentioned.
"We're making progress." Hiccup assured. "If we could just find a way to get this guy on board, have him fighting with us instead of against us."
Sleuther let out a primal growl as he approached.
"Stormfly, spine shot!" Astrid called. Several spines hit the ground, directly below the purple and yellow dragon as a warning to back off.
"Look, we've dealt with way worse." Hiccup reminded.
"Snotlout doesn't count."
The young Haddock's couldn't help but chuckle.
"Good one, Astrid." Fishlegs praised as Meatlug hovered overhead. "I'll have to remember that."
"Fishlegs! What brings you to the Valley of Pain?"
"Snotlout and the Twins just got back from patrol and-"
"Let me guess, there are multiple storm fronts heading right for us and we need to lockdown the Edge before they start to hit?" Zeph interrupted.
"How did you know?" The stocky blonde wondered. Zephyr and Hiccup shared a glance.
"I'm psychic." She joked with a smile and a roll of her eyes. "We should go."
"Okay, we're not done here." Hiccup said.
Zephyr and Nuffink were closing the dome and battening down the hatches since Snotlout was a little preoccupied covering up his 'ᛋ'.
"Nuff, whatever happens during this storm, we have to stay out of the way."
"I'm trying, okay? It's not easy." He admitted.
"I don't like seeing mom get hurt any more than you do. But, we both know that she's gonna be okay because neither of us would be here if she wasn't." She explained. "Nuff, this has to happen, or mom and dad will never get together and we will never have been born." Her brother let out a sigh and turned towards the stables, where in just a few short moments, disaster would strike.
"Wait? Fishlegs is locking the stables." Nuffink noticed.
"So, mom said he forgot to lock the main doors. That's why she went to check. She said that if they had been locked, the dragons would have gotten caught in the explosion." He reminded her.
"Okay, you finish battening down the hatches." She ordered.
"Where are you going?" He thought.
"To change history."
"Did you drop off the food and water at the stables?" Astrid checked with Hiccup.
"Yep." He confirmed. "Troughs are all full."
Nuffink darted into the clubhouse as the rain began to pour.
"The dome is secure." He assured.
"Great, where's your sister?" Hiccup wondered.
"I'm right here." She rasped, racing into the building, dripping wet. She nodded to her brother, signaling that she had unlocked the stables. Nuffink draped his arm over her shoulder as Fishlegs closed the door.
"Well, the dragons are all cozy in their pens." He said.
"Did you lock the main doors?" Astrid questioned.
"Astrid, Astrid, of course. Who would forget something like that?" He scoffed. Astrid let out a sigh of relief, a little too soon. Zephyr gasped as she felt a tingle in her hand she spun around to see that her fingers were slowly fading. She nudged her brother with her elbow to catch his attention. His eyes opened wide in realization and panic.
"Fishlegs, are you absolutely positive that you didn't forget?" Nuffink double-checked.
"I mean, I guess it is possible. But, I would never. But then again, there is a first time for everything." He rambled. Astrid let out a frustrated growl.
"I'll go check." She said.
"Astrid, wait-" Nuffink was cut off when his sister grabbed him by the arm. Her hand now back to normal. That was a little too close.
"Don't." She warned.
Not even a minute after Astrid left the clubhouse there was a crash. Hiccup raced to the door to see the stables crumbling under a thick veil of flames.
Nuffink had to halt his sister as he felt her body tense. He knew that she would cave and race to Astrid's aid.
"Stay here," Hiccup ordered as he hopped onto Toothless and darted towards the stables. Zephyr and Nuffink stood at the door as Hiccup neared the landing strip by the stables. Another lightning strike hit the deck and Zeph spun into her brother with a gasp as his arms wrapped around her. She hid her face in his tunic at the knowledge of what just happened.
Hiccup carried Astrid back to the clubhouse and laid her down with a rolled-up blanket under her head.
"What happened?! Is she okay?!" Fishlegs panicked.
"I don't know." Hiccup sighed, refusing to take his eyes off the unconscious blonde. "We found her like this. The place was collapsing."
"What about my Hookfang? Did you see him?" Snotlout rambled.
"Speaking of wayward dragons, nobody happened to see one Barf and Belch?" Tuffnut interjected.
"Guys, they spooked by the storm and took off. But, I'm sure they're fine and they'll be back. I think there are more important things to worry about right now." Zephyr scowled at their lack of respect for their mother at that moment.
"I agree." Hiccup turned his attention back to the unconscious blonde. "Right now, I'm worried about Astrid."
The younger Haddock's shared a smile.
"Sure, you're Night Furies are all right here. Everything's peachy for you!" Snotlout whined. Toothless looked up at the short stocky muttonhead from the corner of the clubhouse where he had been wrapped protectively around Dart and Pouncer. He let out a low growl giving Snotlout the same death glare he was receiving from Hiccup. Dart, Pouncer, and their riders soon join him.
"Just an observation." Snotlout defended as he backed up with his hands in the air.
Just then Astrid began to stir, letting out a pained groan.
Lost In Time | HTTYD Fanfic
FanfictionZephyr - The head strong, inventive, warrior with a habit of journelling absolutely everything. Nuffink - The awkward, yet feisty bookworm with an instinct to protect his sister, regardless of the cost. Young Zephyr just can't contain her curiosity...