strawberry farm ii

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here she comes again
chirping a merry melody
for her ears only
that everything will be okay in the end
but honeybees have pollen for tea
and melodies are simply melodies.

with part of her head that is far
far too big for the old farmer frank to harvest
she finds a chewed up seed atop an empty cookie jar
and the tears wring her strawberry flesh
dry like pavement chestnut leaves
so she tells herself crying is no use instead
since it is a sloooooooooooooooooow death.

but strawberry girl lives in a castle in the sky
walls of windows, she dances in strawberry
scented lingerie after a bath
funeral march on loop;
gives her legs a little alley-oop
before cannonballing off the balcony

oh, dear. the swimming pool is missing.

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