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"Damn it, Nick. Why did you have to make me love you so much?" Karl muttered to himself, soon falling into a dreamless sleep.

Karl's eyes sluggishly opened to see his room now fully lit by the light of day. Not wanting to have to get up and participate in life, Karl rolled over, throwing a pillow over his head. His attempt at returning to sleep was foiled by his computer. His discord was still open from the previous night and the sound of new messages flooding in was deafening.

Karl rolled back over to face his computer, still not wanting to get out of his warm bed but desperate for the noise to stop. He looked at his phone to check the time, but the screen wouldn't light up. Realizing his phone was dead, yet another annoying thing to happen in the span of his three minutes of being awake, Karl reached over and plugged it in before making his way to his computer. 12:41pm.

His face lit up as he realized the messages that woke him were all from Sapnap.

7:12am: I'm in the car now, Dream is driving us all back to his parents. Their house is safe from the storm's path and ours is right in the middle. I tried calling but you're a dummy and must've let your phone die.

7:25am: Dream won't stop playing Roadtrip on repeat. Pls wake up and save me

8:32am: Are you ever going to wake up?

9:51am: We just got to his parents' house. I'm going to take a nap. Call me when you get this

12:39pm: I'm up and you're still not???? Fuck this

12:39pm: WAKE UP KARL

12:40pm: KARL

12:40pm: KARL

12:40pm: KARL

12:40pm: KARL

12:40pm: KARL

12:41pm: KARL

12:41pm: KARL

A smile bloomed across Karl's face, promptly calling Sapnap on discord, his phone still in the process of turning on.

"KARL!" Sapnap's loud voice boomed through Karl's speakers.

"Hi." Karl said with a giggle

"How late were you up last night?" Sapnap questioned, wondering why Karl would even want to stay awake after the disappointment of his departure never happening.

"Ugh, I don't even know. I edited like four hours of our Tales stream and woke up at my desk around 5:30. After that I just crawled in my bed and died or something." Karl said, his voice still reflecting the smile on his face. He was just so happy to hear Sapnap's voice again.

"In that case, I'm glad my earlier messages didn't wake you!" Sapnap responded cheerfully. "Oh! Yes, I wanted to tell you that I got in touch with the airline people!" Sapnap paused.

"Aaaaaand?" Karl questioned.

"Aaaaaaand," Sapnap responded, mimicking Karl, "they said they could move me onto the first flight out of Florida. It's not for another 6 days, but still, that gives us a couple days to hang out before we leave for England!" Sapnap responded, excitement in his words.

Karl tried to hide his disappointment, hoping Sapnap would be able to fly out sooner.

"That's great man! Really great." Karl did his best to match Sapnap's enthusiasm.

"I can tell you're faking it. I'm sad there isn't a sooner flight too." Sapnap answered, knowing his best friend all too well.

"Sorry.." Karl let out a small laugh. His hair had fallen out of the bun while he slept, allowing him to return to his habit of running his fingers through it. After a moment, Karl continued.

"It's just.. I had this whole cheesy surprise planned for you when you got here and it's completely taken over my living room. The thought of setting it all back up in 6 days is-"

"Leave it." Sapnap interrupted.

"Huh? What?" Karl questioned, surprised.

"Come on, 6 days is nothing. I want to see what it is exactly how you planned." Sapnap responded, intrigued. "Or, you could facetime me so I could see it now?" Karl could hear the grin on Sapnap's face.

"No way! If I have to deal with it in my living room for a week, then you can deal with not knowing for a week!" Karl responded, beginning to laugh.

"Hey now, six days." Sapnap corrected him.

"Just six more days." Karl repeated, feeling his fingers run through his hair, pretending they were Sapnap's from his dream.


(731 words) Sorry for the short chapter! School just started back up and I'm adjusting. I'll do my best to keep uploading at least once a day tho :))

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