Twenty Three

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2 days (continued)

"Hey, hey, hey!" Karl heard Jimmy's voice, it was distorted though. Karl stumbled as he urged his body to remain upright and look at his friends. He couldn't though, Karl felt himself beginning to lose balance and a pair of arms wrapping around him. His eyes rolled back and the world went dark.

The faint sound of a siren brought Karl back to reality. He slowly began opening his eyes, attempting to sit up but instantly being gently pushed down.

"Easy there bud." An unfamiliar voice spoke.

Karl looked around him. He was inside a large car, an ambulance? Yes, it was definitely an ambulance as he looked up from the hands laid on his chest, seeing they were the paramedics from earlier.

"Karl, hey buddy. How you feeling?" Jimmy spoke, resting a hand atop Karl's head.

"Oh jeez.." Karl muttered, his memory coming back, realizing he had fainted.

The ambulance halted to a stop and the doors flung open. Karl felt the gurney he laid on being pulled out of the car.

"I'm fine, really! I just hate blood and once I saw it I fainted. I really don't need all this." Karl said, using his new freedom to sit up on the gurney, only to be pushed back down again.

"Let us determine that, okay?" A random doctor spoke, giving Karl a reassuring glance. Karl begrudgingly laid back down as Jimmy jogged to catch back up with them.

Karl was placed in a room where he was instructed that a doctor would come in soon to examine his arms.

Once the two were alone, Karl turned towards Jimmy.

"Come on, you know how I am around blood. You didn't have to let them take me here. Some cold water and bandages would've sufficed." Karl said quietly with a glare. The only thing Karl hated more than blood and gore was hospitals.

"Did you forget about the giant shard of glass that was sticking out of your arm? Sorry to tell you this, but you are definitely going to need stitches." Jimmy responded, knowing Karl wasn't actually upset, it was just his fear talking.

A doctor soon entered and introduced herself, beginning to examine Karl's arms. Jimmy sat at the head of the bed and held Karl's head in his lap throughout the entire process. He ran his fingers through Karl's hair and shushed him often, wishing he could make Karl's pain go away.

The doctor was only halfway done with irrigating Karl's arms, throwing a stray stitch where needed, when Karl spoke up.

"Hey.. Um.. I'm really starting to not feel so good." Despite laying still, Karl felt as though the room was beginning to spin, making him nauseous.

"You've lost a lot of blood, sweetheart. It sounds like you're going to need a transfusion. I'll be right back." She said, laying a sanitized towel over Karl's arms and leaving the room.

Karl unintentionally fell asleep, waking up to the pain of having his arms touched. He winced as he felt the hand pull away.

"Sorry Karl, I thought you were still sleeping. Are you feeling any better?" Jimmy asked, pulling up a chair to Karl's bed. Karl opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was in a new room now, fully changed into a hospital gown, an IV in each arm.

"I'd be better if I could get my clothes back and go home." Karl stated blankly. He couldn't hide his anxiety as the heart rate monitor began to beep at an increasing speed.

"Karl, about that." Jimmy started.

"No, no, no, no, I will not stay the night here. I refuse." Karl said, shaking his head furiously, making his long hair sway.

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