Forty Four

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"Nick, stop carrying me around. I can walk you dummy. You can't dump me and then act like this." Karl groaned as he wrapped his arms around the broad shoulders that were picking him up.

"What do you mean he dumped you?" Dream spoke, adjusting his grip around Karl as he continued lifting him out of the empty car.

"Dream?!" Karl jumped, nearly falling out of Dream's arms as he pushed his body back to look at his face.

"Yeah, now go back. What do you mean Nick dumped you?" Dream said, readjusting his grip on Karl, kicking the car door shut.

"What? I didn't say anything like that." Karl said, continuing to push away from Dream, trying to stand. Dream complied, carefully setting down Karl. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Karl began walking quickly towards the door of the hotel.

"Yes you did! You said 'you can't dump me and then act like this'." Dream repeated, jogging to catch up to Karl.

"You're drunk. I didn't say that." Karl muttered, keeping his face forward as he opened the door.

"Please, I had two glasses of wine. You're the one who started getting bold at dinner." Dream laughed, catching the door as Karl tried to close it on him.

"Just shut up. Please." Karl spoke quietly, waiting for the elevator to arrive.

"Let me get this straight. You and Nick were dating? Like you were boyfriends?" Dream questioned, leaning against the elevator frame.

"I said drop it, Clay." Karl stated, refusing to look at his friend.

"Just confirm and I'll drop it." Dream shrugged, stepping into the elevator that had finally arrived.

"We were never official. It basically ended the same time it started. There. Now drop it." Karl spoke with his head down, standing in the back corner of the elevator. "And please, don't talk to Nick about this. I'm sure he just wants to put it behind us." Karl looked at Dream briefly before returning his sight to the floor.

"Damn. I mean, okay I guess." Dream said, walking over to Karl and placing an arm around him.

Karl rested his head on Dream's shoulder, closing his eyes. Karl felt Dream's grip tighten as the elevator doors opened, picking him up once again.

"Dream-" Karl whined, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey, you deserve to have someone carry you home tonight. Even if it's just me." Dream said, looking down at Karl with a smile.

Dream walked Karl into his and Sapnap's room, spinning in a circle and leaning Karl back, attempting to get him to laugh and lighten the mood. Karl quickly started laughing, resting his head and hand on Dream's chest.

"What the fuck." Sapnap spoke, shocked at the sight of walking out of the bathroom to see Karl wrapped in Dream's arms.

Dream, still laughing, set Karl down on the bed and turned to Sapnap. "Oh come on man-" Dream was interrupt by Sapnap charging at him, tackling him to the floor.

"Nick! Stop! What the hell is wrong with you?" Dream shouted from the floor as Sapnap continued to shove and hit him.

"Nick! Get off of him!" Karl yelled, jumping off the bed and trying to pull Sapnap off.

George whipped open the conjoining door, staring down at the two boys fighting on the floor, Karl attempting to diffuse the situation.

"STOP!" George yelled, startling all three of them. None of them were used to hearing George raise his voice like that. Dream used this opportunity roughly shove Sapnap's chest, pushing him off of him and back onto the floor.

"What the hell was that, Nick?" Dream huffed as he stood from the floor, rushing to George's side.

Sapnap stayed on the floor, breathing heavily as he looked up to his three friends staring down at him.

"Whatever." Sapnap finally muttered, shooting a glare at Karl, and beginning to walk back to the bathroom.

"What, thought I was making a move on your boyfriend?" Dream's words were sharp. He was still angry about the situation and couldn't filter himself. Karl turned to Dream, terrified of the words that just escaped his lips.

"Karl isn't my boyfriend, never was." Sapnap said coldly, slamming the bathroom door behind him.

"Can someone please explain what the fuck that was?" George said annoyed after several tense seconds passed, crossing his arms as he looked between Dream and Karl.

Dream and Karl looked to each other before looking anywhere but at George. Dream eventually sighed, facing George.

"Nick and Karl were a thing and now they're not. I carried Karl in from the car and when Nick saw he freaked out. I obviously wasn't actually making a move on Karl, babe." Dream answered, walking to George and trying to pull him into a hug. Although George was relieved to hear that Dream wasn't trying to make moves on another guy, he still refused Dream's hug.

"It hasn't even been one whole day and already you're brawling each other on the floor? Americans." George grumbled, walking back into his and Dream's room. Dream followed, turning to give Karl an apologetic look before closing the door behind him.

"Are they gone?" Karl heard Sapnap speak quietly from behind him. Karl turned to see Sapnap peeking his head out of the bathroom door, refusing to look at him.

"Yeah. And so am I." Karl said, grabbing his jacket off the bed and heading for the door.

"Karl, wait! Stop! I'm sorry." Sapnap pleaded, grabbing Karl's arm. When Karl stopped, Sapnap slid his hand down his forearm and into Karl's hand.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know what took over me. It's just, seeing you like that with Clay struck a nerve." Sapnap spoke quietly as Karl still faced the door.

"I was only in his arms because I thought he was you when he was getting me out of the car, you know? And I know I'm not your boyfriend, and I never was, but hearing you dismiss what we had like that? Just.. Fuck you, Nick." Karl pulled his hand out of his best friend's, walking out the door, refusing to let Sapnap see the tears in his eyes.

Karl left the hotel, pulling his jacket around him as the freezing air began whipping against him. Karl had no idea how long he had been walking or where he was at this point. His legs hurt, his face burned from the cold air, and he could barely feel his fingertips. He finally stopped walking, collapsing on a park bench.

As soon a his body stopped moving, he started to think back to the conversation he had with Sapnap. Just thinking about the cruel words he exchanged with his best friend made his eyes start tearing up again. Refusing to cry in the middle of a strange park at night, Karl promptly stood up, beginning to walk aimlessly again.

After more hours of walking, Karl realized he recognized some of the buildings around him, now knowing he was just several blocks away from his hotel. Karl enjoyed the feeling of the heat against his face as he stepped through the hotel's doors, dragging his aching legs to the elevator.

Karl tried to be as quiet as possible as he entered his and Sapnap's room, shutting the door carefully behind him. Even in the dark he could make out the silhouette of Sapnap laying in his bed. Karl stripped from his outfit, slipping into comfortable pajamas before crawling into his own bed.

"Stop running away when things get hard. Stop running away from me." Karl heard Sapnap speak softly behind him.


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