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Mike had been thinking of Allison. She wasn't an alien, that was sure. She wasn't human too. He was also thinking of his new friend, Dax. His world was clearly in danger.

Dax saw Mike was deep in thoughts so he didn't disturb him. Mrs. Preston had prepared a room for Dax.

Then the thought hit him. He actually created a gateway. Between dimensions. Given a different situation, it would have been a cause for celebration back at home. But he remembered he had no home anymore.

Walking over to Mike, Dax told him "Thanks for helping me with those Ordons. I've never seen anyone kill one of them before"

"It was nothing. They were foolish. Have you figured out how you created the gateway that brought you here?"

"No, not yet. But I think I vibrated at a frequency that matched Earth's."

Mike's phone gave a ping sound. Incoming text message. From Allison. ‘Meet at the central park.’

"Allison wants to see us, at the park. Let's move" Mike said.

Allison was waiting when they got there. But she felt when they arrived.

"Hey, what's up?" Mike said, when they got to her.

"My dad's satellite picked up series of strange activities in our solar system. More debris. More cosmic waves. I don't know if it has anything to do anything but i thought you should know"


Then Dax said, "Something is wrong in the multiverse. First, the Ordons. Now, this. Of course it's all connected. We just have to join the dots together."

Allison said, "I'm sure my Dad would have a clue on what’s going on. How 'bout we head to my house?"

"Sure." Dax said, then shrugged at Mike.

*                                 *                                  *

When Maddox awoke, he found a strange tattoo on his arms. The tattoo seemed to circle his arm like a snake. While studying the tattoo, he didn't realize that Denet and the guardian were in the room.

"That's the mark your weapon gave you. Accepting you as it's master." The guardian had spoken. He continued, "your Denet friend here infused some of the god of violence into the weapon. And the weapon in turn, infused it to you."

Maddox looked at Denet, who winked at him.

"That weapon. Has a life of it's own."

Maddox looked at the axe. It looked pretty normal to him. Shining gold and black. He picked it up and looked at it. Seeing his reflection, he almost gave a shout of alarm.

"Oh yes, the weapon also transferred some of the guardian traits I gave it to you."

Maddox eyes had changed. His originally blue eyes was now mixed with gold. Just like someone had tried to mix a gold viscous liquid with a blue colored solution.

The blue and gold in his eyes was constantly moving. As if trying to mix.

"Quit thinking of that and come sit next to me." The guardian said.

Maddox sat on the left side of guardian while Denet sat on the right.

"The most powerful guardian has plans. The god of violence must have known. That was why he came down and took body in this Denet here. Changing his eyes to green and making his clan call  him 'the cursed one.'

"So, that means I'm not really cursed, am i?" Denet asked

"I'd rather say you're  blessed.."

Then, Maddox said "so what do we do now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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