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not proof read!
i know after my last one shot you probably don't
like bakugo, but! this will change that:)
probably not.
category- heavy angst

i know i said i wasn't gonna do Trigger Warnings BUT this does have some touchy subjects, if your going through a time where you don't feel like your good enough or you don't belong please message me because you do, everybody is worth something :)

nightmares, something everybody has but nobody's wants.
they come when your scare of something
or when you have fear in your heart.
well you feel guilty and your minds exploits that.
when you want to
forget about something so bad
it's all you can remember.

nightmares, running from a black hole, running from reality.
running for anything you don't want.
a memory you want to erase
wanting to start your whole life over again.
a person you want to forget
scars, beatings, bruises, not being loved.

nightmares, a loving household, knowing it's fake
knowing it's something you will never have
somethings that's not
in your reach.
trying to grasp at strings,
strings that will kill you
will make you feel unloved
make you do bad things.

nightmares, something you wished on someone coming true, something you never
meant to say.

nightmares, pride- a pride so big it makes everything a competition, not being
able to enjoy life without
wanting- needing to be better than anybody
anger of being let down.
the person you trusted was what you expected.

nightmares, wanting more and not getting it
setting goals and not reaching it
wanting to be happy but can't
wanting friends but can't make them.

nightmares like these happen to katsuki all the time, intruding in his dreams and making him hate sleeping, not being able to keep friends, the one person he did trust didn't meet his expectations.

why must he set such high standards, why can't he just be happy, why can't i just be happy, all of these thoughts run through katsukis head.

looking around an empty classroom, a classroom he grew to hate, a classroom he can't bear the thought of seeing, why him, all this bad stuff happen, all of it and now he has nobody, no reason to be in U.A, becoming a hero seems impossible.

nobody wants him here, not even the person he came here for the most..all might- he voted to kick him out, having people not want him around is making him lose motivation.

the rope above his dorm bed, waiting to be used, he doesn't belong they say, he doesn't deserve to be in U.A what a bully, an escape, that's what the rope is for, to remind him he can escape this earth and go to a far away land, to start over, to try again, to make things right but in a different body.

they loved him, 𝙝𝙚 loved him, why did he change- bakugo apologized he thoughts things were good, he thought things were okay , he wanted things to be okay, why couldn't things he okay.

outcasted by the entire world, he can't even go to the store to get food without getting a glare, he doesn't leave the school, how can he- he'd die the moment he left school gates, even the villains don't like him.

the school roof top, he tried to jump it off it once but all might stop him, saying, "Taking the easy way out? Oh No No No! you deserve what has happened", to bad it was just a dream, he wished he could jump off the school roof top and fall to the ground, leaving his blood all over the ground, not that anyone would care- hell! they'd probably
walked over his body laughing about how he'd thought they react.

so many death threats, so many people begging for him to die, why? doesn't he deserve to live to- that's what they say, 2 wrongs don't make a right, well there's 2 wrongs and only one party.

encouraging him to kill him self, begging him to leave this earth and never show his face again, living with a role in this earth, no matter how many times he tried to end it, his life repeats, the same things happens, the same death threats the same rope over his bed.

he doesn't know happiness, he doesn't know what it feels like to be cared about.

dying, the rope above his bed being used, His head into the rope, the thought of an escape right in his grasp, letting his body go limp the rope wrapped tight around his neck, making his face go purple, he clawed at the rope- No! he didn't wanna die, losing air- help anybody.

a knock at bakugos door was heard, but what could he do, he's dying- he doesn't wanna die, i wanna be alive- He! wants to be alive is that so much to as for, the door creek open and stood all his classmates with smiles in there faces.

picture were taken, and knives were thrown, he's dead- cold, blue, limp- it's not just some funny joke like they all thought- Bakugo Katsuki is dead, no longer living- no longer breathing, a class of 16 year olds drove a kid to suicide.

there worst then bakugo, and they don't have anything to justify their actions, they do what they want because they have the power to do so, no remorse.

the news of bakugo death spread like a wild fire, and all bakugo could do was watch as everybody cheered, they even had a party- and left the blonds- cold, blue, limp- rotting body in the rope above his bed.

-well hey i would like to say bullying is never okay, no matter what you have to justify it- while i don't like bakugo because of what he did to izuku i don't wish the same fate on him, because people handle things differently<3

993 words

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