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yes i'm stealing this from bakudeku one shots
so if it sounds like something you read it's because you probably did

category- fluff kinda
anywho i'll probably steal things from my others books here and there cause i'm lazy:)

if the writing style isn't as good as my others and is bad compared it's because this is old- but was edited a whole ago...

i parked my car in a cafe parking lot and went to the other side to open the door for my girlfriend, we were going to a small cafe down the street from our apartment, we laughed and talked about god knows what until when got to the front of the cafe, opening the door to let my girlfriend in first.

we were greeted by a male with green hair, placing the menus by his side he put a big smile on his face and said "welcome to flavors of the youth, can i get you anything to start with; water, icetea, lemonade" he turned and waved us to follow him, walking to a table in the back, it looked cozy..enough.

i finally looked at the male, he had big green eyes, freckles scattered across his face going down his neck, forest green hair 2 toned both dark green and green it looked like he dyed it, it was shoulder length just a bit shorter than my girlfriends.

he looked away at me, and a slight blush ran across my face, not enough for him to notice but i sure did, we sat down at our table and pick up the menus the were placed on the table, a few minutes later we decided on, a water for me and lemonade for her.

the waiter nodded his head and went to kitchen
retuning a few minutes later with our drinks. "would you like to start off with an appetizer or hop right in the main thing"..the waiter said as he placed our drinks down, we're gonna look over the menus for a while is that okay?..i asked as a took a sip of my ice water.

"yes thats perfectly fine, just flag me down when your ready to order"..the waiter replied he sent us a smile and went off the wait other tables, he's super friendly isnt he..my girlfriend said while rolling her eyes, well i mean i guess that it his job..i replied taking another sip of my drink.

after a few minutes we decided on our food, i wanted a double bacon burger spicy meal with a chocolate milkshake and she wanted a chicken finger meal with a vanilla milkshake, we flagged the waiter and he came over to our table with a big smile.

after he took our orders he walk off to the kitchen and went back to waiting tables coming back to the table 5 minutes later to give us our food "you had the spicy meal and you had the chicken tender" he handed us out meals and continued "when your done or need a refill flagged me down again, if that's all please have a good meal"..the waiter walked off and little bounce in his step this time.

me and rachel were eating her food, it was pretty one sided though since i was to busy staring at the green haired waiter, his bouncy green hair the way it flowed when he turned his hair to laughed at a non funny joke, after me and rachel finished are food and were sure we didn't want second i flagged the waiter down and asked for a check.

he handed it to me with a smile, i wrote my number on the check and place the money in the check, oh hey i never got your name, i said as the waiter was about to walk away, "well i'm izuku midoryia, and you are?" i'm katsuki bakugo and this is my girlfriend rachel flowers"..he smiled and waved then walked away with the check i handed him"

izukus pov

izuku looked down at the check
"𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙠𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙢𝙚 734-891-1864 <3" he smiled down at the check and added the phone number to his contacts, he was one strange boy.

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