.015 DEKUBAKU (the end)

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fem! deku, fem! katsuki

Katsuki and Izuku were hanging out in katsuki dorm, they were third years, and after katsuki finally apologized for everything she put izuku through they became friends, bestfriends.

They hung out everyday, gossiped, had sleepovers, the usual, most people actually thought they were dating because of how close they had become, they told each-other everything, and never kept secret from each other, that was until katsuki developed feelings for izuku, and she just couldn't tell her.

Tell her? and ruin the friendship she worked so hard to build, Yeah..over her dead body.

They agreed on a movie night, they cuddled together, under the small all might blanket Izuku brought, popcorn sitting beside Katsuki, while izuku had the remote.

They decided to watch Your Lie In April, much to Katsuki dismay, She liked horror and only horror, Izuku sadly was the complete opposite.


After the movie, they sat in slience, not awkward just enjoying each other's presence, Katsuki looked over at Izuku, she looked so beautiful, so so beautiful, as she always did. The little bit of moonlight coming from the window, hit her skin perfectly. Her body was also perfect, her plump thighs, fit upper chest, and bubble butt, made Katsuki want her even more.

Even though she was just her bestfriend, she wanted to kiss her, tell her how pretty she was, wake up next to her, and never leave her side, she wanted everything Izuku had to offer, and wanted to give herself in return.

Katsuki finally broke the silence, "Deku..," Izuku smiled over at her "...Kacchan?" a blush made it's way to katsuki face, suddenly feeling very nervous, "You look... You look very nice."

There was a slience, this time it was awkward, "I-I mean it's not like you don't always look nice you just look..y-you look beautiful, I mean Dammit...why can't i speak," Katsuki once again looked over at Izuku, expecting her to be looking away, but no. she met katsuki eyes, a small blush very present.

"Y-your very beautiful too..Katsuki," Yep Katsuki just died.

Before she had the chance to calm down, she felt soft lips on her, she melted under the touch, kissing back slowly.

Pulling away it was now Izukus turn to be awkward, "I...I'm sorry! i wasn't sure i-if you really wanted it. but i re-really like you, and if you don't like me back-" Katsuki cut her off with a kiss, "Of course i like you, fucking idiot."

They fell asleep like that, with stupid smiles on there faces, tangled together.

author note- Hey was this a good way to end the book?

welp I'm sorry I kinda really gave up half way through and didn't really update

hope you all enjoyed nonetheless

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