Choice L

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You suddenly hear a big, sharp sound next to you. Like the wind has been cut.

In an instant, Scaramouche was up, in front of you, his slender katana out.
Does that means... He just slandered the wall next to you ?
He looked angry. Very, VERY angry. Uh oh.

Frightened, you barely dare to turn your eyes to side to try to see what his blade cut.
A huge, tall and thin cut have been made t the wall on your left. There was also... Some hair.
Your hair.

- I hate to be ignored. Even more by you, my dear. It'd be bad if that became a habit.
Hahaha... Was staying silent the best plan ?
You're shaking slightly, tears pearling your eyes.
Why would he do that all of a sudden ?!
Thankfully, it was only a millimeter of hair that was cut, this happens often in combats.

But now ? Haha, it's no fair fight, and the man in front of you could end your life anytime and you'd have no chance to fight back.
You have to face reality : Scaramouche seems much stronger than you. Than anyone you knew. His power could equal... A god's ?
... No. You're only speculating. There's no way.
Right ?

He approached -you noticed he kept his sword in his hand- and touched your cheek with his free hand.
His gaze was cold.

- You're mine, now. If we want this to work, you'll need to work your part. And if you won't...
His gaze becomes harder on you, as his grip on his sword tightens.

I'll use my ways.

M. Keep your mouth shut.

N. Find an excuse.

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