Genshin Characters As Yanderes

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Yep, so I just wanted to do that because it was fun. And to be forgiven for my absence !

Let's start by the hero (?) of this story !

Scaramouche : A truly possessive yandere.
Scaramouche is used to things going perfectly according to his plans.
So, for his beloved MC ? Gosh, as if he'd let anything go wrong.
As if...
He'd blow the whole place then himself if anything happened you.
No, but really.
Scaramouche adores you more than anything.
He wants you by his side at all times. But he knows you don't (yet) feel the same, so he is putting a tremendous amount of effort into giving you some actual space.
Like the spaces between each date...
The reason he is doing that is because he needs this to work.
He'd go completely insane if you rejected him in the end.
And boy, you don't want that ending.
Which one ?
Patience, it'll come eventually  :D

Did you know ?
His room is full of pictures of you, and sometimes he picks up items you used or forgot.

When you see him, he always seems cool and composed, but inside, he is head over heels and about to loose control anytime, just waiting for a sign.

I'm not gonna unwrap any more of Scaramouche's secrets for now.
But maybe I'll do if you ask for him again in a part two :p

Albedo : Albedo is a very sweet kind of yandere.
Not only he looks like a prince-no, an ANGEL, but he also acts like one.
He would leave you a lot of freedom ; but I must warn you. Never, NEVER betray his trust.

You see, our angelic little pea has rarely felt any emotion until now, let alone his passion for science.

But the chemistry linking you and him is such that it could explode at any impact, and explode badly.
I'll leave his rampages to your imagination :D

So yes, in normal time, it looks like he doesn't care. Like everything and everyone is the same to him...
But if you test it out, he won't ever be able to say no to you !

Wanna test him real quick ?

Let's say, Albedo is really busy with an experimentation he's been working on for months, and he's finally about to mix up the last two ingredients.

- Albedo ?

- Yes ?

- ... Nothing.

- ... Alright.

*Is about to mix up ingredients again*

- Albedo ?

- Yes ?

- Nothing !


*Is about to mix up ingredients yet again*

- Albedo !!

- ... MC, is something the matter ?

- Nope !

- Are you sure...?

- Yep !

- Alright then.

*About to mix up ingredients yet, YET again*

- Boo !!

*Silenced you with a kiss*

- ...............

- Now, it seems fine. Tell me if you need anything else, he says with that composed voice and princely smile of his.

Albedo's patience can never run out with you.
If anything, he'll always find a way to outsmart you~
Had it been anyone else, I can assure you he'd blow them and himself together just to shut them up.

Childe : Childe ? He is the kind of yandere who always want you to feel like a princess.
After all, he's darn rich and is used to fancy things, and know the comfort they bring. Yep ; he'd spoil you rotten !
And his plan this time, would be to keep pleasing you so that you don't have any time for anything or anyone else.

If you asked him to, he'd resign from being a Fatui just to take more care of you.
He longs for you when he's working, and doesn't miss just one opportunity to let you know that.

Ah ? I haven't mentioned ?
Dirty jokes and PDA, prepare to be overwhelmed often with him !

However, he still tries to keep you as happy as possible.
He'd never hurt you, or do anything against your will.
He's a gentle kind of yandere, unlike Scaramouche and akin to Albedo.
Instead, he keeps you with his lovely little family, whom you also love. They're just so nice and lively !

Everything is almost perfect...
Had his obsession been healthier.

He'd be able to destroy a while dam country for you.

Kazuha : Yep, Kazuha because he's been asked often too !

Kazuha is a huge fan of freedom and art, as everyone knows.
And when he looks at you... He feels like he found the end of his long journey.
You are his muse.
Every poem, every painting, every single thing is now inspired by you.
Looking at you is like taking a big bowl of fresh air, and he'll never get sick of it.
He just loves you so much.
So much...
He can't let anyone else have you.

- Hey, MC, let's embark in a journey together !

That would be his excuse for sticking to you.
If you accepted, then he'd use his genius little mind to make you fall in love with him in no time during all of your travels.

Though, would you refuse...
Well, he'd still stick with you.

But, without you knowing.

Hm ? You accidentally found him stalking you ?
Well, depending on your reaction, he would either lock you in to accomplish his main mission (keep you by his side (forever)), either... Well, I'm not sure.
He's a yandere after all.
Reject him, and he'd kiss you, kill you and then himself.

"If you can't be mine... You won't be anyone else's."

Bennet : Hehe, why Bennet ? Because Bennet !
Benny is more similar to Scaramouche and Kazuha in terms of yandere-ness.

Compared to his happy-go-lucky self, when it comes to you, he'll seem totally crazy.

- ... Bennet ?

- Yeees ?

- ..... Why did you do this...?

- Huh ? What do you mean ?

- What I mean, is... Why did you...

- MC ? You don't look so good. Do you want me to get you a cup of wa-

- Why did you kill them ?

- Hmm ? ... Well, obviously because they were lingering too close to you !, Bennet says with a cute smile, contrasting with the blood splashed on his face.

He'll hold your hand while walking. A bit too tightly. Poor Benny is scared that because of his bad luck, if let's go for just one second... you'd disappear from his gaze.
So he'd stick darn close to you. While talking about all the adventures you could go on together, and how fun it'll be.
Meanwhile, for some strange reason, every person you looked at for a bit too long seemed to be struck with an awful luck, often leading to bad injuries.
But Benny didn't seem to care.

Slowly, you lost your will to tell him you wouldn't stay...
Once, while you were trying to tell him...
Well, you didn't say even a single thing, but a meteor suddenly fell fricking too close to you two.

Then again, Benny didn't seem to notice.
You just gave up...

*Entertwining your fingers together*

- We'll be together forever, right, MC ?

- ...

- Also... I think I've been getting luckier lately.

You jump.
With this smile, Benny seemed out of his mind.


And that's it !

Five descriptions of what these guys would be as Yanderes !
Tell me if you want a part 2, and gomment who you want to see there~

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