Choice A

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The door slowly opens.

Really slowly.

It's so slow you feel like you're in a horror movie.


Slower than that, you'd die !

- Helloooo...? Is someone heeeere ?
This voice...!
A face sticks out of the entry.
A face you know.

Ah, found you !

- Childe ! What... What on the world are you doing here ?!

- Hey, what's with this cold welcome, girlie ? Aren't you happy to see such a handsome face ?
He analyses your situation for a moment.

And who will oh-so-generously save you !
You knew Childe long enough to know that if he's talking that way, he's not here to help you.
Or at least not unless he gets something in return.

You sight. You need this to go fast, Scaramouche can come back any moment.

- Name your price.

- Ahaha~! As expected of you, traveler ! You're so quick to grasp the situation.
You throw him in a ''hurry and get me out of here'' kind of look.

I'll cut to the chase. The guy that seemingly kidnapped you just resigned from his job as a Harbinger.
But, considering his personality, our dear Tsaritsa found strange that fact that he'd do that overnight. Scaramouche being a really useful chess pawn, I was ordered to get here before he does in order to get a glimpse of his motives.
So that's what's his 'super-important' mission was. To resign.
Right now is without a doubt the only time you're gonna be alone in this manor. Now's your only chance to escape.
And in order to convince Childe, you have to talk Childe.
You force your best smile.

- Aand, I guess that seeing your dear friend chained here makes you want to free them, ri--

- Huh ? My friend ? Who is ?

- Uh... Me ?
There's silence for a moment.
Okay, you never really considered Childe a friend since he works with the Fatui, but since he loves sparring with you, you figured at least he'd consider you as one !
You feel embarrassed. You think about what to say next when he breaks the silence with a laughter.
Ugh, okay, you got it ! You two aren't friends ! Does he need to push it that far ?

- That's exactly why I came to see you.
Huh ? To 'see you' ? Didn't he said he came to figure out Scaramouche's motive ?

And that's my price, MC. If you want me to free you...
He casually walks towards you, crouches in front of you, and then reaches out his hand with an endearing smile.

You're gonna have to be more than a friend to me.
Your mind goes blank for a second.

- Can you repeat that ?

- Sure. Marry me.

- What ?! That's not what you said !

- Haha, yeah, but it's the same.

- No it's not !
You feel your face fading to red.
What is happening today ? First Scaramouche, and now Childe ?
Did the Fatui decide on a new way to mess up with people's minds ?

The redheaded guy looks at you like he enjoyed your reaction.

- So, what do you say ?, he asks with a hopeful face.

C. - I say that it's nonsense !

D. - Yeah, sure. Why not.

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