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He stood on the rocks that were overlooking om marshy water, the sun would be setting soon.
he didn't have much time left.
only moments.
If he didn't calculate properly the Order would catch him and kill him, after all he was committing treason.

He jumped into the muddy waters of the marsh wading through the water. avoiding the small fish that lived there.

Tonight the city will see how powerful he was. They would have no choice but to follow his commands.

He climbed onto the large stone bridge his ancestors  built.   When he was nearing Her (mother mesi the woman whose tears water the land) , he saw two guardsmen from the Order . Du-ho grabbed the hilt of his sword charging it with Blood energy.

"the guards weren't going to be  problem to kill  it was disposing of their corpses" He thought to himself  as he crept closer to the unsuspecting pair, slowly unseething his sword.

By the time the pair noticed him they were already dead.

He  dragged the pale blue guards body to the edge of the bridge.
"he must've been a shape shifter" as examined the blue man's face.
The guard's smooth features frozen in shock, stuck between a laugh and scream he never let out. Du-ho threw the guards body into the marsh to rot.

He grabbed the other guard and began to drag her corpse to the edge of the bridge too. Her pale white skin glistened under the sun, her skin was flawless but in an erie way like it was sanded and then polished. Her eyes were as pale as her skin and her hair was an inky black, she was beautiful, captivating. She was probably a decent of sirens or mermaids.
He threw her corpse over the railing joining her colleague.

Du-ho ran along the path until he heard her the roaring of her tears, mother. She sobbed, her tears filling the rivers the lakes the ponds. She cried life into the land.

When he reached her, he saw it the gate the large tiger mouth that  was carved and built by his ancestors
, no not his
the ones that lived off mother's tears. 
His were from a land of darkness and death.

He climbed down mothers  face he could feel the spray of the waterfall-her tears- he made a quick desent.
He ran across the wet soil heading into the City.
He knew nothing of the about the city, the city where he and his parents stayed, he mostly drew power from mother but she was weakening or she was refusing him. He needed it from the Gate but the Gate was always heavily guarded but he had made a plan to get past that.

He jogged into the village of Zou he would have pass through this village to get to the gate to draw more power.

He hid his sword in between his shoulder blades. He walked through the streets of the village getting strange looks from the older woman was it his tribal tattoos or maybe that he was soaked  in mud and blood. It didn't really matter those old hags would be bowing to him soon.

He stepped into the ally way next to the a bar named worm hole he headed to the doors of its basement and entered.

He had no time to talk to Chin Mae or Keket,
he had no time eat lunch to Vivian like he had promised.
He needed fresh clothes so he can get to the gate unnoticed.

Chin Mae and the inferno employees where setting up for the fights tonight where he would take his claim to the throne later tonight.

He went into the back room and changed and got a fresh sword. He left the worm hole and left the village.

He didn't have much time left the sun was already setting, he used the forbidden energy craft the man from beyond weeping mother taught him.

He had met the man when he fled the City. The man had taught him how to steal energy to rejuvenate himself, to be stronger. Unfortunately he had become dependent on it after he was stabbed by a guard when re-entering the city. Now he would die with out it and weeping mother could no longer supply him.

When he reached the gate he charged his sword with blood energy red tendrils crawled up the blade coating it in a sapphire flame. There were Ten guards. He killed them all before they could speak or alert other guards of his presence.

He climbed onto the tounge of the tigers jaw that formed the gate. It was massive.

Du-ho stalked towards the large crystal teeth. He felt it the energy flowing through the gate he would draw enough to rejuvenate himself for the month.

His mouth curled into a twisted grin.

The tendrils of energy slithered around him fueling him. his pale skin grew pink and his thinning hair became thick. His heart began beating stronger than ever, he felt warm all over he was being reborn.

Something went wrong it was no longer warm the tendrils were no longer blue,green and gold but they turned black and a crimson red. It was no longer warm but cold it still strengthened him but with something sinister his tattoos morphed and his brown eyes went crimson. The dead guards changed too their lifeless eyes sparking back to life. black and crimson tattoos snaked up their necks and down their arms.

Du-ho was reborn but into something far more sinister.

Voices whispered into Du-ho's ears

"Wage war on the lands that shattered the brother's blade"

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