"Look at her, omg she is so desperate, Alana do you see how short her dress is" Vivian says flipping her raven hair over her shoulder. I look up and to see who she is scrutinising at this time of the day.

"Who?, Vee who are you talking about?" I ask searching the over crowded basement of the worm hole.

"There! Vera she is all over him" she points frantically to the edge of the makeshift ring where Keket stands in a emerald green party dress, her braids pulled into a bun. A sandy haired brown eyed boy stands next to her who looks as if the world is about to end.

"Her name is Keket, not Vera" i correct her.
Vivian looks me up and down annoyed that I opposed her or corrected her-she never took being wrong well-.

"Do you see who she is with!"she shreaks so loud that the sage green boy next to us gives us a strange look and shuffles away, he won't get far though this place is packed tighter than a can of sardines.

"Can you lower your voice you're gonna get us kicked out" I whisper to her, she rolls her eyes.

"She is here with my ex" she points to the boy Keket is with-more like trying to escape- then I recognised him, Felton he is at  the top of our class.

He looks nicer, handsome even under the dull hanging lights of the worm hole's basement. The shadows of makes his jaw more defined and his usually pale skin is tan.
"Kekot or whatever her name is has been around Fel since last month and he won't leave her side and worst of all he started acting like this after he glew up and started tanning like ugh" Vivian went on and on about how Keket stole Felton from her and about how she is far more attractive than Keket.

A blue haired Asian man with a buzz cut ran to the middle of the ring holding a something that looks like a microphone. Vivian stops speaking when the man taps the microphone testing it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" the man says into the microphone he has the biggest smile ever.

"Welcome to The worm hole's inferno"-so that's the name of this place-"My name is Chin Mae and I am your announcer for tonight" he locks eyes with Keket and winks. Vivian noticed this and let out a huff and rolled her eyes.

"Our first fight of the night is timmy versus the The milkman slayer." Chin Mae signals to the two fighters to enter the ring.

Timmy was a very buff guy dressed in what seemed to be a cut up lab coat. The milk man slayer was wearing a ridiculous dog mask and an milk man uniform,  he was a tiny man and next to timmy he was dwarfed.

The fight ended as quickly as it started, the milk man slayer had chose to fight with a club while timmy the cocky fool that he was decided against fighting with weapons claiming his fists where enough. The fight lasted a few minutes timmy was hit with the club and fell out the ring, guess his fists weren't enough.

We have been sitting in the Inferno for more than an hour, the air smells like blood, alcohol, vomit, urine and fried fish and ships from the worms hole above.

The fights were becoming dull the milk man slayer was knocked out and rushed to hospital two fights after he beat timmy, now men in sweatpants and jeans were beating each other silly in their drunken state. Vivian was on her fourth cup of whatever drink they were serving at the bar and she had left me to go talk to Chin Mae. I sit near the edge of the ring as two guys fight with clubs.

"One day someone is going to get killed" A soft voice says, I turn to see its Keket.

"Yeah" I say as she sits down next to me.
"you shouldn't be here, this is not the place for a future general " she teases. Her mocha skin glows under the florescent lights.
"i am here to make sure the prince doesn't get in any trouble " I laugh scanning the room for Vyan.
Her smile falls
" he is in alot of trouble " she whipers to herself, she stands and walks off mumbling something under her breath.

Vivian throws herself on the seat giggling her lipstick smudged and her hair frizzy. She looks like a five year old who has been given to much sugar.
"Du Ho says he is going to destroy Vyan" she giggles taking a sip of the mystery liquid.

“What? " I respond pulling on the edge of my black slip dress

"Sssh" she presses her finger to my lips.

"Chin Chin is going to announce the next fight" She is practically jumping up and down in her seat, clapping and giggling like a school girl.

I look to the ring and Chin Mae walks on looking anxious he runs his hands over the blue fuzz on his head.
"Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages the fight that you've been waiting for, the inferno's returnee Vyan and the Inferno's best swordsmen... Du ho." Chin Mae announces he glances nervously at Keket and Felton who are standing by the stairs.

Vyan climbs into the ring and draws a sword a real sword, a real sword. Du ho does the same. They both walk to the middle of the ring their  skin covered in tribal tattoos decorating their toned bodies.

Chin hou gives them both gentle looks like he is asking them not to do this.

"I want a good clean fight, no stabbing of vital organs, no dimembering, nothing below the belt and above midthigh, no head shots, and no back stabbing" Chin swallowed then looked between the two

"To late for that" Du hou says coldly.

My breathing stops.

Chin Mae never repeated the rules he never looked worried, never feared a little bloodshed it's like he knew that it wasn't going to end well that one of them wouldn't walk away from the fight.

Vyan set his jaw gripping the hilt of his sword tighter.

"Don't do this " Vyan begs.

"I am going to slaughter you" Du ho hisses.

Vyan jaw tightens at this.

Chin Mae mouths please don't , but they won't listen they made up their minds. The crowd started to stomp their feet and whisper chanting brothers blade.  Vivian was on the edge of her seat her eyes wide excited.
Chin Mae bowed his head

"Let the fight begin" he jumped off the ring and headed for the stair case. Vyan hand is tight around the hilt  the sword as a golden glow slowly starts to travel up the blade.
Not here.

the order forbids us using real weapons and our powers outside the training hall.

I jumped up and grabbed Vivian's hand.
"We need to leave" I whisper as I drag her away from the ring.

"I want to watch" she moans. I look at the stairs and Keket Felton and Chin Mae are fleeing. My heart is trying to leap out of my throat. Vivian looks back and gasps.

"Their... oh ... its horrible" she whispers, i look back and vyan and du hou swords are glowing with each strike the light grows turning the inferno's ring into an actual inferno. I pull Vivian up the stairs and shove open the door.

The ally way outside of the worms hole is cold and smells like fish guts and urine. Vivian leans against the wall across from the Inferno's entrance trying not to throw up while mumbling something about the order closing the worms hole because of Du ho.

"We can't be here when the order arrives" I say heading out of the ally way.

"I thought we couldn't use that stuff out of the training grounds until we graduate" Vee says as she follows me.

"Me too, I thought you couldn't tap into it unti-" A chorus of screams coming from the basement cut me off. Smoke started to float out of the worm hole inferno's windows and people covered in smoke and blood began to pour out of the doors covering their mouths. Keket runs towards the crowd shoving past people trying to enter the burning basement. Chin Mae grabs her arm and pulls her away from the door. She is screaming kicking and crying. More people run out covered in blood that isn't theirs others are clutching broken bones. Felton helps people to get as far as possible from the building. Even Worms hole is being evacuated. Keket screams again and pounds against Chin Mae's chest.

The worms hole caves into itself the entire restaurant crashes down and crushes the inferno bellow. The little fight club is no more the little restaurant is no more and so are the people stuck inside.

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