Starting the End

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Nightmare awoke with a banging headache. She couldn't remember a single thing, she just felt like she had an odd dream. Looking around, she found herself in her room.

'What a strange dream' she thought.

She couldn't remember it but it felt like she had been in a different dimension. It was all hazy and fuzzy. Couldn't remember a single thing.

Nightmare yawned and got out of bed, heading down the stairs of her mansion. It all felt so different, like she hadn't done this in a long time.

Nightmare found her way to the kitchen, starting up a cup of black coffee. "Wow boss, never thought of you as a morning person." A cheeky voice commented from behind.


For some reason, nightmare felt a great amount of disbelief and happiness wash over her upon seeing Dust. The screams and chants of horror, cross, and killer could be heard throughout the house. Nightmare felt a strange comfort in the chaos.

The great door opened wide, someone had entered. "Hey nightmare~!" A sing-songy voice called out. Nightmare knew the voice...

"Hey error!" Nightmare said back. Error high-fived nightmare, it, again, felt strangely nice.

Nightmare felt,

She felt happiness.




Btw I'm doing a Q&N about the story, so ask away!

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