The School

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•~3rd person~•

"Who are you?"
A voice asked. Cressela turned to face the person, looked like Lavender(what I call passive nightmare). "Oh! Hello, I'm Cressela" I said politely, even though all I wanted to do was laugh. "Okay? And how do you know Erratum?" They asked. "Oh! We're married!" she said happily. They stood there confused and in disbelief. "Wait- WHAT!?" They yelled. Catching the attention of a few people passing by. "Erratum, you're married!?!?!" They exclaimed. "Yes nightmare, it was to seal an alliance between our families- or something. Never really understood it." Erratum said. Nightmare looked unsure and confused. "*sigh* okay Cressela, I'll get you your schedule." Nightmare said. Erratum whispered to Cressela "He acts like the teacher but no one likes him" I giggled at what he had said. "Hurry up! Principal X will kill us if we're late!!" Nightmare said impatiently, Cressela gave Erratum a quick peck on the cheek, and headed into the building.

Cressela didn't particularly like the classes, they were boring and bland. History was the worst, they talked about how technology was advancing. Which was stupid, sure technology was cool and all, but magic is cooler. Nightmare couldn't stop cringing at the noise of dying phones in the school, like seriously. Can no one manage their battery power!!? When class was over, she headed to lunch and OMG peoples phones were suffering.
•~Cressela POV~•
I couldn't handle the sound of the phones battery dying each second. So I headed to the library. It's not like I needed to eat, and school lunches are the worst. I went into the library, and it was magical. There were all kinds of books! I've read most of them, but there were so many others. I found an interesting series by an unknown author, it was about someone who was struggling with their personal identity. It was their journey about finding out they were trans. Reading their struggles, their decisions, what they thought. Kinda reminded me of Killer. See, right before error jumped, Killer told us he was a transgender male. Even though skeletons don't really have a gender, we still supported him.(Ya' dont like this version of killer? then fck off) It made me smile a bit remembering the old gang. Anyway, I finished the book quiet quickly and went to look for the sequel. "You like this series too?" A person asked, I jolted a bit and turned around to see them. Kinda looks like that devil ink birthed- "I'm Pallet! Nice to meet you!" Pallet said. Extending his hand for a handshake. "Ummm...Cressela.." I said, hesitantly shaking their hand. "Are you knew? Or I have I just not seen you around?" he asked, letting go of my hand. "Oh, I'm new." I replied. "What are you doing here during lunch?" Pallet asked. Geez, they never stop. "UMm, Im just not hungry, plus. Books are more interesting than people." I say bluntly. Pallet looked taken back, then laughed a bit "now you sound like gothy!" He said. Wtf is a gothy. "Who?" I asked, he lead me to the check out desk "Hi gothy!!!" Pallet said enthusiastically. "Oh! Hi Pallet." 'Gothy' said. "Oh! Hello there! I'm goth, the librarian. Nice to meet you...." "Cressela" I finished. He smiled, now I get why Pallet had a crush on him. He was fucking hot. I pulled Pallet aside. We headed to the ROmaNcE section of the library. "Dude he's hot-" I whispered to Pallet, "yeah, and he's MINE!" Pallet whisper-shouted back. "Chill, I'm not taking him. Just saying you have good taste." I said. Pallets expression changed from angry to calm. This really is inks child. "Plus, I'm already with someone." I said, just to make sure Pallet won't kill me in my sleep. Pallets eyes turned into stars, "really!!?" He exclaimed. Yeah, I'm not dealing with this shit. I grabbed the third book in the series and checked it out. I then headed to my next class. Art. Oh god, this is gonna be terrible.

I got in class and sat on a stool. I had no clue what we were doing. Then the teacher came in. Another version of ink. "Okay class! Today we are doing free drawings! You can draw cartoons, realism, just no porn-" he said. "Can we draw gore?" One kid asked. He luckily said yes. So, for the next few hours, I was painting a very realistic painting of Aliza from Horrortale. It was basically her but...ya'know being eaten alive. It was quiet enjoyable actually. Being a princess, they kinda force you to be good at painting. By They, i mean King Multiverse forcing me or ream to paint him. I heard gagging and looked over to the person next to me. They were painting sunflowers. "Eww, that's disgusting." They said. I scoffed "I paint what I want, deal with it." I said, continuing to paint. "Who are you drawing?" They asked. "A friend of mine" I said bluntly. Focusing on the shading of the blood. The person looked disgusted "why would you draw your friend like that!?" They seemed offended. "Ehhh, it's more of my friend's friend. Or at least my friend's food source." I said bluntly. Erratum said he didn't like me lying, so I'm not lying. They looked confused. "Like, they but your friend groceries? That's nice." They said. I chuckled darkly "no, I mean she is literally the food." I said. They looked terrified. I finished the blood and fixed some details. "*sigh* looks good to me." I said, feeling accomplished. The person did actually throw up. What a wimp. I sighed my paining in Wingdings and left class. Luckily, school was now over and it was just club time. I was going to wait for Erratum, but I have to pick up Raider and Tenpatch from daycare.

When I arrived, Tenpatch ran up to me and started sobbing into my leg. "Mama!! They took him awayyyy" He cried. Raider Came out happy as ever. "Mama! I have a girlfriend!" He said happily.

Wtf happened at that daycare....
Okay, so.
Blue is a student, Nightmare is a student, PJ is a student, most ship kids are students.
Ink is a teacher, and every other doppelgänger.
Also PJ has a daycare he volunteers at. So does Pallet, Goth, and Cray. But for now, Fika and Gradient are running the daycare. Also blue screen is too. Fika is the only adult, Blue screen dropped out of school, and gradient graduated early.

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