The Effect

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HahA! Chapter 1! Just some quick notes-

Nightmare is a girlNightmare and error were married before he jumped Almost everyone disappeared, error left 3 years ago and the multiverse wasn't balanced. So, ink stopped creating, nightmare started destroying, and chaos took control of their multiverse. Raider is older

Okay! That's kinda it, if your confused, feel free to ask questions, this story will be pretty confusing.


The icy wind was blowing thought the deserted town. Doors creaked and smoke mixed with the air. The sound of raging fires echoed through the area. rubble scattered along the ground with blue strings mixed up in the debris. A portal was formed, and out came a skeleton. But no, not ink. This skeleton was covered in a black goopy substance. She wandered through the au, apparently searching for someone. She searched around and inside the buildings, but still no result. Until she heard small giggles from around the corner. A playful smirk grew upon her face and she quickly turned the corner and saw two little children giggling. "I found you!" She exclaimed, tackling the two children in a hug. "M-mommy! Stop! Hehehe" One said, as she started tickling them. She continued for a bit then stopped so they could catch their breath. "C'mon, this au is dying." She said calmly. The kids calmed down a bit and nodded, following their mother into the portal that was created. They arrived in a castle. The dark halls lit by the few torches placed in the halls. The family walk through the empty corridor. Before, it was filled with laughs and mischief. The bad guys would play pranks on each other and run around the castle. Those were the good days. Before the jump...

Everyone was happy, everyone was alive. Now all that remain are gods and guardians. But soon, they'll vanish too.

Nightmare had brought her children to their room and set them to bed. "Mommy.." one started looking up at his mother. "What is it Raider?" She asked, looking back at her child snuggling a plush. "W-when is dada coming home..." he asked hesitantly. He knew it was a sensitive topic to his mother. But he was 5! What did you expect! "O-oh! Umm, well sweetie-" nightmare started. Trying to find a way to explain to her children their father is never coming back. She took a deep breath and answered. "I don't know sweetheart" she tried to smile so her wEe OneS wouldn't cry. She didn't want her kids to worry about such things. Raider smiled at the thought of his father coming home. His brother, Tenpatch, was already asleep. He slowly feel asleep and hear the door closing.

Nightmare headed to her study, papers scattered everywhere. Questions written in the walls in red pen, she had lost it. When Error fell into the void, she hadn't sensed when he was gone, his feelings didn't stop. Then again, she was pregnant during the time. She was going to tell Error the news, but it was too late. She ended up raising the children by herself, while trying to keep everyone alive by taking Errors job. She shuffled through the room, looking for a certain book. A book with all the answers. A book named "A Hitchhikers Guide To Tye Multiverse. - by author"(totally not a reference). Once she found the book, she looked through for the multiverse with an area code of "JaN" weird, I know. But that was the one message she always got when trying to find where error was. A distorted voice would say "jaN" or something- whenever nightmare would JaN...kinda like January- she flipped through the pages and found nothing. "Damnit." She mumbled. Slamming the book shut and throwing it against the floor. "Unless pice of shit." She grumbled. Nightmare sat in her chair with a disappointing sigh. She looked over to a photo on her desk. It was a picture of her and error on their honeymoon. Right next to it was a picture of her kids, Raider and Tenpatch. A frown came on her face remembering those once happy memories. Now they only fill her with sadness. "Why did you go.." she mumbled, staring at the photo of her love. She sat in silence, depression clouded her mind and she let out quiet sobs. She curled up in the chair, the quiet castle soon echoed with cries of despair. And no one was there to help.


Hiya! Sorry it's short. I just like writing short chapters, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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