The Plan

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Quick disclaimer: INK ISN'T THE BAD GUY!!!! Neither is FATE, she was just overwhelmed with power, and ink is a stupid hypocrite, plus he has the memory of a goldfish.

Warning : mature topics


The room was silent as nightmare had cried herself to sleep. A gust of wind ran through the dust halls, the doors creaked and squeaked. Small footsteps could be heard, sneaking through the halls. The pitter patter of their little feet(lead mama right to them.~) continued down the stairs. "Where are we going Raider?" Tenpatch whispered. "We're going to dads room! Cmon!" The elder brother said, dragging the younger one by the arm. Tenpatch had a shocked and scared look on his face "b-but mama said-" he started. "Mama said we can't see it while she's here... and she's not here! I think-" he mumbled the last part. Tenpatch was unsure, but went with his brother anyways. Raider opened the door and surveyed the area. He put his fingers in a way where then semi looked like a gun. He used his foot to carefully open the door, and mover his gun hands side to side, basically checking for any foes. "Cost is clear." He said, signaling for Tenpatch to step inside. Tenpatch hesitantly stepped inside. He was too far in. There was no going back.

The room...changed. It looked like a crime scene- well, to the children. Raider took his "gun" and placed it on a nearby table. "What are we looking for?" Tenpatch asked. Still confused as to how this place turned into a crime scene. "Evidence." Raider spoke, he began going through the draws and found a necklace. It was so pretty. It had a good chain with dark teal and purple rocks scattered. He thought about putting it on, but it wound really fit his vibe. "Tenpatch, try this on!" He said, tossing the necklace to his brother. Tenpatch clumsily caught it and looked at it in awe. He immediately put it on. It was perfect! "WoaHhh! Where did dada find this!" Tenpatch exclaimed. Excited at the new pice to jewelry. Raider continued to look through the draws until he found a photo. There were people he had never seen before. Well, in real life. There were paintings on the walls of a group of people. One had a hood over their head, while another had black tears streaming off their face. One had a ripped up bow, one had a gold tooth. There were so many different people. This picture was of three of the people. One was wearing a purple jacket with blue fur, and one was in all blue. And the last one... was their father. "Who's that last one?" Tenpatch asked, being the youngest, he was born right after their dad had left. So he never really knew his father. He only heard tales of him. "Dad!" Raider cheered. Tenpatch gasped in awe at how cool their dad looked. He had dark bones with parts glitched off. Blue string like tears, and mismatched eyes. He found all his father's features fascinating. Raider, on the other hand, continued to search the room. He looked in the closet and found a stellar hoodie. Literally, it was a black hoodie that faded into blue with the words "stellar" printed on it in gold. He put it on and continued to look around. Tenpatch was looking around his fathers desk when he accidentally tipped over a bottle of ink. In a panic, he looked around for some towels, Raider still didn't notice the mess. By the time Tenpatch found a towel, there was someone there, a figure standing in the ink. The children were scared, what had they done! Their mother will surely find out and punish them! Tenpatch started to cry a little as Raider held together a bit longer before also crying.

"Wait! Wait, I'm not here to hurt you." It spoke. The children looked at the figure and stopped crying a bit. Another figure in the halls came rushing in. Their mother. "Mama!" Tenpatch said through his tears, running up to hug his mother. He cried into her and said "Mama, I'm scared." The unidentified person gasped in offense. "Am I really that scary!?" It asked. Raider kicked its leg with his little baby feet, and ran over, hugging his mother's leg for protection. The figure was like "wtf-" and said. "Ow." In the most blank way possible. "But seriously, Nightmare, since when do you have kids!?" It asked. "I've had kids for 5 years yA squid brain." Nightmare said. "Really? How come we never knew." Nightmare started at it blankly. "Ink, you dumbass, YOUR THEIR UNCLE! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR NEPHEWS!" Nightmare yelled. Ink was shooketh, wait, she was married? "Wait...OMG PALLET HAS COUSINS!" he realized, slightly relived. "Yes you asshole, now get out of my fxcking house!" Nightmare said angered. "Okay okay, but can you come over...I think dreams dying and Pallet is a lot to handle-" ink said annoyed. Nightmare gasped. Dream was dying!? If Dream dies, she dies! "Okay, fine." She spat Tenpatch curled up to his mother's chest and Raider held her hand as they went through a portal to inks house. They walked into...a mess. "Wow, Dream really is dying-" Nightmare mumbled. Dream would never let this mess be. Not even if he was sick with the worst case of the flu. Pallet ran up to ink and said "mommy! Mommy! Look!" And showed a picture of a dog. "That's terrible-" ink mumbled before saying. "Okay, these are your cousins and this is your aunt." Ink said, gesturing to nightmare and her kids. "WoAhhhh!" Pallet gasped. Raider hid behind his Moms legs- leg bones? Idk- pallet ran up to him and dragged Raider away. "Mommy!!!!!" Raider pleaded. Nightmare looked concerned and said "since when did you fuck with the devil!?" Ink shrugged. "Probably when I died 2 weeks ago." He said bluntly. Nightmare looked confused but shrugged it off. They started walking to a room, Tenpatch was asleep in his mother's arms. "So why did Pallet call you mom?" Nightmare asked, assuming Dream was bottom. Ink blushed a bit and mumbled. "Because I'm the one who got pregnant with him-" nightmare stopped where she was and started laughing. "Wa-wait- *wheeze* you mean to tell me, my brother and and his small ass dick actually got you pregnant!? HaHHa!" She laughed giddily. Ink blushed more. "Hey! I was really horny the day!" Ink protested. They continued their way and nightmare still couldn't get over the fact Dream topped ink. "You must be a mega bottom to have been topped by Drea- *wheeze* HahA" she cackled. "Hey! I topped you!" He argued, "yeah, but did I get pregnant? No- and cmon ink, dream is like...3inches. Don't be that person." Nightmare replied. Ink was gonna say something but decided to keep quiet, nightmare let out a silent cheer. She had won this battle. They came across a door that's was slightly open. Ink opened the door to a sleeping dream and sat next to him. "Good morning sunshine." Ink said sweetly, getting an annoyed groan from Dream. "Mmmm, not now inky.." Dream mumbled. Ink sighed and said. "Nightmare's here." Dream got up and look over to the doorway. Nightmare stood there, cradling Tenpatch in her arms. "Nighty!" Dream exclaimed, trying to get out of bed...and falling face first on the floor. "Good to see you too... are you okay?" Nightmare asked. Dream giggled and got up from the floor, "yeah, I'm fine. There just hasn't been a lot of positivity ever since.." Dream stopped, not wanting to complete the sense. "Ever since Error died.." nightmare sad sadly. Tenpatch was half awake so he could head the conversation, he shifted uncomfortably in nightmare's arms. "Mommy.." he said weekly, barely waking up. Nightmare looked down at her child and smiled. "Yes dear?" Dream was squealing in the background. "When's dada coming?" He said tiredly. Dream stopped squealing and looked heartbroken, his poor sister. She had to keep the lie Error was there, just waiting to come home. But...they knew he wasn't coming back. Nightmare's smile became a forced one and said, "soon dear." Tenpatch smiled and went back to sleep. Ink and Dream looked confused. "What do you mean 'soon'?" Dream asked. Nightmare sighed. "Dream...the multiverse is dying, and soon it's gonna collapse" Dream frowned. He knew this, but it still hurt to hear it, "so... I'm going to try and jump into the void." Nightmare mumbled. Dream was wide eyed, "wHat!?" Dream thought she was insane. "Listen, we're gonna die anyway, and if we survive...we could find error!" She cheered. Dream sighed. "Well, ink, pallet, and I are staying here. The entities said they would take us to their realm in their "refugee" timeline." Dream spoke. Nightmare smiled, at least her brother would be fine. "Well, we better leave. The kids and I have to pack." Nightmare said, looking down at Tenpatch. "I wish you luck Nightmare." Dreams said smiling. Ink was out cold, plus he would forgot ever saying bye to them so it was fine. Nightmare walked out of the room and searched for Raider. Raider was going through the worst type of torcher imaginable. Playing dress up with a child of satin. Nightmare saved him, and told pallet they probably won't be able to play again. Raider was relived to be free, and went home to read a book and pack.

The next day, nightmare had called the kids to the living room. "Okay, everyone packed?" Nightmare asked. Raider nodded proudly while Tenpatch was unsure "what is it sweetie?" Nightmare asked. Tenpatch looked around frantically before crying "I-I can't find my plush of dada!!" He wailed. Nightmare sighed and grabbed something from her bag. It was a little plush of him and Raider. Tenpatch gasped at the new plushies. "Your dad made them, well, I finished yours." Nightmare laughed nervously. "Thank you Mama!" Tenpatch said, hugging nightmare. Nightmare smiled and got up, "don't leave my side, okay?" Nightmare said. Raider and his brother nodded, both taking one of their mother's hands. The family walked away happily.

Until they reached...

The void


I will get to Erratum, I promise .

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