The daycare.

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Rip Tenpatch. He a mamas boi.


•~Tenpatch POV~•

"Mama, nooo! Don't leave meeeee" I sobbed. Had I done something wrong? Why would mama leave me!! "Sweetie, I have to go now. Plus, you have that necklace right? Think of it as a protection charm." Mama said. Protection charm? "Yeah! And I'll be here to protect you too!" Raider said with confidence. I would really need this Protection charm. Mama started walking away, and I started walking into the big scary building. There were a bunch of other kids there, it was all so scary. I held on to Raider, but he ran off to meet people. I sighed, guess I'm alone. I went over to the book shelf, not wanting to draw to much attention to myself. When I got there, there were only picture books. Picture books!!! What type of low life's read picture books!?(I do, ya turd.) I looked around and saw one of the caretakers. I hesitantly went up to them and tugged on their sleeve. "U-Umm e-excuse me.." I stuttered out. They stopped paying attention to the other kids and looked down at me, "what is it sweetie?" She asked nicely. "U-Umm d-do you ha-ve any chapter books for me to read?" I asked quietly. The lady looked shocked, then smiled again. "Sure hun, what your name?" I felt myself come out of my scarf and said "I'm Tenpatch Delusion!!" Smiling, she got up and looked around for a bit before handing me a book. "Here, it isn't took long." She said. I was beaming, "thank you!" I said, and ran to the corner to read. This book was okay- it was about a princess on an adventure. It was a pretty short book, 50ish pages at most. Could you even call it a chapter book? Anyway, I was about half way through the book, when someone came up to me. "Hi!! I'm Moku!! Who are you?" They asked. I looked up from my book, this person was really cute. "I-I'm Tenpatch." I said quietly. Moku sat down next to me, which made me blush a bit. I went back to my book, and Moku started to lean on me. "So what book are you reading? Is it good? I don't really like reading." He said. Keeping my eyes on the book, I replied "The princess's adventures, no, I love reading." I replied. Thanks to Mama, Raider and I were fluent Readers and Writers at the age of 3. She would even quiz us on the things, we also learned math but. I wasn't very good at math.
After a bit, Raider ran up to me saying. "Tenpatch! Tenpatch! Look look look!" He pointed at a girl across the room. I looked at him with confusion, "what about her?" I asked. He stood proudly "thats my girlfriend." He said. I looked at him in shock. "What?" "Yeah! Cmon, you should meet her!" He said excitingly.

•~3rd Person~•

Raider dragged his brother across the room, making Tenpatch lose the necklace he was wearing. Tenpatch felt tears prick his eyes. His protection necklace was gone! The one his mother had given him! He tried to stay strong, and not cry. But his emotions took over his mind. He started crying. A lot. Raider stopped and looked down at Tenpatch was sitting on the ground and crying. "What is it?" Raider asked. Some caretakers had come to help Tenpatch. All the attention on him. "M-my necklace!!" Tenpatch cried out, curling into a ball. "Don't worry, we'll find it." One of the caretakers said. Tenpatch didn't believe them. Moku ran up to Tenpatch to hug him and comfort him. Which made Tenpatch calm down a bit. Raider, was searching through the room and looking for the necklace. When he found it, a kid accidentally stepped on it. Raider was in shock, Tenpatch would not like this. "Oh shit-" he mumbled. He quickly ran to Tenpatch and said "I found it, but you can't have it now." Raider said, Tenpatch was about to tear up, "b-but only because It...ummm... lost its magic! So I have to give it to mama to fix it!" He quickly added. Tenpatch stopped his tears. "Why can't I give it to mama?" He asked. Raider quickly thought of an excuse "because I'm older!! And I know how to fix it!" He said proudly. Tenpatch stopped crying, and Raider went over to the cubbies to put the necklace in his bag. He got out the Tenpatch plush and gave it to his brother. Tenpatch moped over to the corner he was sitting in, Moku followed and tried to cheer him up.
What a good future boyfriend

Raider felt accomplished at what he had done and headed over to his girlfriend "Hi Shino!!" He said happily. "Raider! What happened with your brother?" Shino asked concerned. Raider blushed a bit, Shino was so caring and sweet. "He just lost something." Raider said. Shino smiled knowing her boyfriend cared for his brother. Even though they just started dating today-

•\\fLasH BacK//•

•~Raider POV~•

I put my bag into an empty cubby, and ran into the room. I wanted to meet people, but one person caught my eye. She was so beautiful!! Her cute little bow on her back, and her sweet little smile. I went up to her and said "I like your bow!" She looked back at me and smiled. "I like your crown! *gasp* are you a prince!" She said excited. "I think so. Mama doesn't really tell me about our family history." I said, she looked a little disappointed. "I've always wanted to be a princess, having parties, living in a big castle, wearing dresses!!" She said. "Well, I used to live in a castle, but everyone kinda died.." I said, mumbling the last part. She just giggled. "My dad jokes that he's death sometimes... probably because he's a gang leader-" she cut herself off. We both giggled.
(Ah yes, boning over murder.)
"Where does your papa work?" She asked. "My parents still go to school" I said, as if it was normal. "Oh-" she said, a little concerned. "Well, I think your really pretty." I said to her, blushing a bit. She blushed then quickly said "oh! I'm Shino!" I smiled. "You I have a pretty name, I'm Raider." I said, taking a bow. She giggled. We both went near the window sill. The sun was shining through the trees. I took a deep breath and turned to Shino "Shino, I know we just met but..." I started, she looked over to me. I hid my face in my hands and blushed madly "I like you, like, like-like you." I said. I could see her face light up. "Well, I like you too." She said Happily. I looked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend." I asked shyly. I could see a few people were starting at us. Shino was blushing a lot, and looked at bit shocked. "Yes!!" She said happily, squeezing me. A bunch of people said "awwww" and one of the caretakers was tearing up a bit. We were playing with blocks when I spotted Tenpatch. "Hey Shino! Wanna meet my brother!" I asked happily. "Sure!" She said. So I went to go get Tenpatch...


The Daycare was over, and Moku had to leave Tenpatch. And Tenpatch, being the sensitive boi he is, clung onto Moku, and would not let go. Moku, bring the cute bean he is, also clung to Tenpatch. Every time one of the caretakers would try to break them up, Moku would show his scary face. And the caretakers would give up. Eventually, Moku's parents came, and had to pry them apart. The two were crying and trying to get back to each other. They failed. When Tenpatch saw his mom, he immediately ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "Mama!! They took him awayyyy" he cried.

Raider said goodbye to his love and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled. Shino ran up to her mom, who was giving Raider a glare. Raider didn't mind since he often got those types of glares. He just smiled at Shino's mom and ran over to his. Geno, Shino's mom, was confused. That's the first time he's ever gotten that reaction. Shino looked up at her mother and said "mommy! Do you think Raider and I could have a Play date?" Geno looked down at Shino and nodded his head. "I'll try." He said.

Anyway, Tenpatch, Raider, and Cressela walked home. Tenpatch still sad he had to say bye to Moku. Raider was planning on a gift for Shino.

And yes, Cressela did fix Tenpatch's necklace.

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