Chapter 4: I can dream future.

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Everything was sorting out. Zain started to reach a conclusion. He finally gave up on Hania. He found out that the girl was not interested in relationships and wanted to lead a productive life.

It was evening. Zain wrapped up his sibling's books as he was helping them with there home work . After everything he finally went to his room sat on his bed, started scrolling his Instagram inbox, he saw message requests, there was a very unfamiliar one which he didn't expect in his whole damn life. He gazed at it for a while and then started laughing, rolling all over the bed. It was Hania. He clicked on it and then started reading the text sent from her.

" Hye. Zain, I don't know why I'm messaging you like this but I think that it's important to do so, now. Well the thing is I was thinking about what you said in the laboratory. Actually it's time to make everything clear. You and I, we cannot be together. I don't know why I have to make it clear to you but still. I don't want you to ever!ever! Come to me and say me what you said today. Thank you."

Zain gazed at the text in astound.

Ok that was a bit too harsh. He thought.

He at once copied the text and forward it to Hamza. Ten minutes later he got a call from him.

"What the heck is this dude."

"What do you think?"

"What do you mean? It's a message from Hania right?"

"How do you know!"

"Yeah because she can only humiliate you like this."

"Shut up."

"So what are you gonna-"

"Man, I've given up on her."

"Since when!"

"Since today's noon."


"Stop cursing!"

"Ok dude. Re think you've loved her for three months, like four now, think straight!"

"Ok I'll call you back.i-i need time to calm down. That girl never replied me back, No! She didn't even accept my request! Now, out of the blue she's texting me to tell me not to confess about my feelings again. She reminds me of the 90's. Heck!"

After the deafening conversation Zain slammed his phone on the table and sighed. He thought of random things going on in his life and then closed his eyes. 'fxck what is this feeling, it feels like my chest is going to burst' these feelings and thoughts kept him surrounded all night, but every night was enchanting for him.

He was standing in a ground. The Grass was covering his shoes. Zain saw everything from his eye view; as if he teleported somewhere else. It was a dream again. He was busy understanding the scenario when he saw Hania. She was standing outside the reception window. Everything was so grainy and vintage; just like a photo film. He saw her holding some documents. He started running, as if something was pulling him. He was confused. He stopped behind the wall and saw the girl talking to the receptionist.

What is she saying? Why is she here. Should I go there? No. Noway I'm not going to do so remember last night, wait last night, she- I talked, we talked. What is this strange feeling. I- I, something's off. I should go and ask her. These were the thoughts surrounding his mind.

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