Chapter 65: I love you

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Dear Zain,
How are you doing darling. It’s quite fun to exchange letters you know! Let’s just keep doing this until we meet again. Yesterday I took Hadi to an amusement park. We rode a roller coaster together! He was screaming and hooting which made me so eccentric. I wished I could ride it with you but than I realized that you are scared of fast rides. I saw the pictures you shared with Hadi. He was praising the beauty of Thailand while I was so lost in you. I want to scratch that small beard of yours!

From Hania Zain

to Zain Javed.


Zain was packing his bag when a man stepped beside him.

“Are you going home?”
Zain turned to him and nodded.

“I’m done with the financial work, I’m leaving the wrap up on you. Any problem?”  Zain uttered as he flipped the pages of the documents.
The man nodded and sighed as he fixed the frame on Zain’s desk.

“Your family?” he asked. Zain stared at the frame and then nodded.

“Its been a year since you met them right?”

Zain nodded again and slung the bag over his shoulder. He tapped his colleague’s back and smiled.

“I’ll be visiting them soon.” and then left.


“Hadi come here!” Hania ran after her son.

“Mom I don’t wanna go!”
Hania stopped as she gathered up some air in her lungs.

“He’s such an energetic child.” Hania smiled. She then walked to him and benched him from the back.

“You are going, don’t you even think that you’ll be staying home.” She put him down and then wore her  lab coat. She took the keys and rushed out with her son; sat in the car and drove off.

Hania was sitting at her cabin while she checked a medical receipt of a patient when her phone rang. She had a tense expression on her face, she picked the call and put it on speaker while she flipped the pen between her fingers.

“Hello?” she answered while circling a medicine on the receipt.


The voice forced her to look up in Glee. She immediately looked at the screen and put the receipt and pen away. She held the phone in her hands and answered excitedly

“Hye Zain! How are you!” she shouted in bliss.

“Ahh.. amm yeah, I’m fine… how are you?”

“Im perfectly fine! So what’s up, it’s the third time you called this month, you call often and that makes me sad as hell.”

“I’m so sorry! Actually we are working on a very important project so I couldn’t save time for the call. I’m sorry and I mean it.”

“Its ok I understand im ok Until you’re doing fine.”

This way they talked for 15 minutes and then hung up. Hania had a wide smile on her face but after a few seconds of putting her phone down it faded away. She sighed, stood up and walked out of the cabin with the medical receipt.

It was time for Hania to pick her child from the school she did so and returned home after the lunch it was time for Hadi’s tuition.

“I’ll return home around 4 so make sure you return from tuition too, ok?” she said as she walked to the car while Hadi waved her good bye.

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