Chapter 37: That kiss.

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It was overwhelming to be reminded of something that doesn't make sense. The next day, Zain rushed to the same place again in order to find that man from before, but he couldn't. He inquired around but no one seemed to know him.


Talha was waiting at the corner of the lane. He was wiping the sweat off his face when he saw Harim rushing to him.

"Ahh you are here!!! Finally" Hamza retorted taking a breath of relief.

Harim hugged him as she reached her boyfriend soaked in sweat.

"Aww you are so soft." She said squeezing his arm.

"Soft? Me? Are you kidding?!" he reacted gently pushing her away.

"I think you are more delicate." He said dusting off her shoulder. She beamed at him.

"Let's go." She said while pulling him by his arm.

They went for a lunch. They ordered some pies and Mac and cheese. Harim was busy eating the savoir meal and Talha was gazing at her.

"What did you tell your parents?"
She raised her head.

"I told them that I'm going out with Hania. I made her lie."

"You are so desperate to meet me."
For a moment she stopped eating. She looked at him in the eyes and raised her eyebrow.

"What? I'm desperate?"
Talha looked at her in a flustered yet assuring way.

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes you are." She said with an irritated tone. She stood up to leave, simultaneously Talha grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"You should know this much. How can you be so stubborn?"


"I'm desperate? You're making me sound like I'm the only one who wants this or that I'm a useless attention seeker."

"I didn't mean that"

"I- it feels horrible to be the only one in love Talha. If you didn't want to meet me then you should've told me, I'm leaving." She tore her wrist from his grasp and left. Talha was left all flustered. He sighed and looked around in agitation.

We still aren't even that close i guess. He thought.

He followed her out and saw her talking to a rickshaw driver.

"Shit, this girl." He raced to her.

"Harim!!!! Wait!!" he pulled up behind her and told the driver to leave. He looked at her in rage and astound.

"What are you even trying to do?"
She gawked at him with tiny tears in her eyes. For a moment, both of them weren't uttering a word. Talha sighed and clutched the girl.

"Oh come-on. Don't cry. I'm sorry for what I said. I love you and I mean it, never regret falling for me Harim, please." He said while caressing her back. Harim gave a gentle nod and clutched him.

After this unforgettable moment, they went to an amusement park. They went on the rollercoaster. The whooping of Harim and the prayers of Talha were what made the ride fascinating.

"Talha!!! Open your eyes!!!"

Talha, who was busy mumbling some prayers of internal peace uttered, "No, y-you can enjoy."

"come on!!!" she moved closer to him and tried to open his eyes with her fingers. He looked at her. The air pressure was making it hard to turn his head. He removed her hands and held them, intertwining his fingers with her. She looked at him with a smile of pleasure.

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