Five Kills Ben

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Authors Note:
Hi readers , so we dont know how Ben actually died except that it was on a mission in winter 2006. So i decided to make it in this universe that five was actually the one who killed Ben.
And please support


Anyway , this chapter takes place in 2006. The hargreeves siblings are 16 or 17 years old while Five is probably 57 or 58.

Well lets begin .

Fives POV:


Just what i needed......

Another meeting with that creepy as fuck the handler .

Even her name sounds exagerated.

I bet she's going to try to make me uncomfortable like i am some sort of her pet.

God i hate her... the reason why i dont kill her is because she is my only ticket home.... at least for now until i can get my equations ready.

I look at myself in the mirror and then think of what Dad would think. I look older than him at this point.

He raised me to become a hero but i turned out to he a killer ... no....
the most dangerous serial killer in the entire time and space.

I sigh and put the can and the message from the commision in my pocket and focus on my latest target.

I look at the little kid named Mike Wheeler (I am sooooo sorry ST fans)
Hes a 13 year old boy.

The year i am in is 1990.

This boy almost changed the time line by running away from home. His original purpose was to die that day but when he ran away .... he broke tge timeline.... and in the future he would have developed the cure to cancer far to early.... well thats an understatement because the commision doesnt want a cure to cancer in the timeline.

God as much as i take pride and enjoy all this killing , i dislike killing children. This boy isnt the first boy or girl under 18 i have and would kill.. hell i have killed children under 10.

I sigh again and take note of the boys frantic muffled screaming and cries.

I look at what i did to him.... his hands were chopped of and his face was covered in cuts and one of his legs were missing as well.

I usually prefer to do a quick kill but i had instructions to make this one suffer.

I sigh for the third time and decide to end his suffering.

I take out my handgun and without second thoughts shot him in his head .

And he drops dead on the floor.

I look at his body and then his families bodies whom i also killed. His parents and sister.

I spared his younger sister though because her existing doesnt affect the timeline.

I then leave the house and teleport back to Commision Headquaters and go straight to the Handlers office becuase she had requested or rather ordered my presence .

I knock on the door and without waiting for her reply i enter her office.

I sit on a chair and look at her with disinterest.

While the handler looks at me with a demonic look yet smiley look.

She breaks the silence and says "Five dear, i have been receiving alot of complients about your succesful missions. Congratulations on successfully completing the latest mission of killing those 2 innocent  kids" she says with her snake like eyes and sanke like grin.

Violent Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now